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Re: [oc] Inquiry

> Actually, I must disagree, Bill. I think the problem with
> OC is in the discipline of OC management not the lack of
> contributions and salaries. I believe many companies(commercial
> users) get a bad impression because the first few cores they
> visit are incomplete and have been in a 'limbo' state for a
> long time. Some cores that are marked as 'done' are also more
> or less half-ass jobs, lacking important items like documentation.
> Unfortunately there is no process for monitoring quality and
> ensuring that a project indeed is complete. I believe that
> until some sort of Quality Control is in place, OpenCores
> image will remain mostly negative.
> Once OpenCores image can be risen to that of a commercial IP
> supplier, we will have a bountiful supply of people willing
> to help on projects.


I completely agree with you. Besides, I think this aspect is much more 
important than just license. I think a company will find a way to contact 
author and get his/her approval, if they think it is worth it.

Actually I just got an idea, which is by my opinion worth implementing:
why not add 'core quality votes'. Each registered user can vote only once for 
each project. If project seems of good enough quality, that he/she would use 
it (or have already used it), he/she can add vote to it.
Maybe we can add several counters:
1. the idea is good
2. one for looks like a good quality core, and
3. have tried it and it works

Eventually cores that are more popular and are of better quality will gain 
more votes than others. 

Perhaps this can help giving an impression that cores are really useful and 
used in projects every day.


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