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Re: [oc] very very urgent

OK ppl! lets not get all itchy & scratchy!
Fine somebody wanted help for homework, nobody wanted to help
no big deal, no harm done.
Posting messages saying I'm unhappy with all this is ALSO not
going by the list rules, if somebody was not ok with helping ppl with their
homework then going by the "etiquettes" of the list he should not have
posted his sermon on the list and contacted that person on his private
I do agree that there should be rules by which people should abide by when they are
posting on the list BUT after all It's an OPEN community & I'm sure nobody likes to be policed!
Needless to say for somebody to ask help for homework was not such
 a big issues to begin with.
And for that somebody who is "making a list" keeping adding names to it and when
 it's long enough...........Ahmm I guess feel free to do what u like doing most.
making lists that is!
I don't want to start a flame and would not be adding any more to this topic after 
this mail but just my two cents on the whole issue.
Opencores is a great initiative and should continue to grow on the
foundations it was started.