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Re: [oc] very very urgent

On Wed, 2003-03-26 at 22:17, Shehryar Shaheen wrote:
> OK ppl! lets not get all itchy & scratchy!
> Fine somebody wanted help for homework, nobody wanted to help
> no big deal, no harm done. 

Actually it is a big deal. So fat it has produced some
18 emails in 2 days. Perhaps you have nothing better to
do and enjoy this, some of us have better things to do.

> Posting messages saying I'm unhappy with all this is ALSO not
> going by the list rules, if somebody was not ok with helping ppl with
> their
> homework then going by the "etiquettes" of the list he should not have
> posted his sermon on the list and contacted that person on his private
>  address. 
> I do agree that there should be rules by which people should abide by
> when they are
> posting on the list BUT after all It's an OPEN community & I'm sure
> nobody likes to be policed!
> Needless to say for somebody to ask help for homework was not such
>  a big issues to begin with.
> And for that somebody who is "making a list" keeping adding names to
> it and when
>  it's long enough...........Ahmm I guess feel free to do what u like
> doing most.
> making lists that is! 
> I don't want to start a flame and would not be adding any more to
> this topic after 
> this mail but just my two cents on the whole issue.
> Opencores is a great initiative and should continue to grow on the
> foundations it was started.

Yes, right, pretty soon only people like you will
be left here, and the only grows we will see is in
obnoxious emails.

> Shehryar

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