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Re: How to increase SNR? (was Re: [oc] very very urgent)

On Wed, 2003-03-26 at 08:30, John Dalton wrote:
> > I hardly read this mailing list anymore, ...
> This is a shame, since Rudi has contributed much to
> OpenCores.
> How do we increase the signal to noise ratio of the list?

Remove the noise ! :*)

In my opinion, the subscription to the list must be
controlled (e.g. no automatic subscription, name and
email must be first manually verified). People who
"spam" the list more than twice will get removed. Only
subscribers are allowed to post to the list, archives
may be still freely browsable.

This should be the easiest thing top do, it has to be
implemented only once, than there shouldn't be any more

"spam" includes any inappropriate messages.

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