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Re: [oc] opencores status

> Hi, Damjan,
> I noticed there are various version OR1000, which version is in CVS? Is it
> the most updated one?

Unfortunately there is no recent version in CVS. I am working on OR1320 which
isn't in CVS. Jimmy is working on OR1601 which is on web but not in CVS. And I
think he also has more recent version.

In any case it is possible that silicon version will be available sooner than we

> For the GUN C compiler, how is it current status? Is GDB available? For the
> OCRP board, what debugging mechanism is in it?

No particular debugging machanism. GDB is sort of under development. Johan
Rydberg was working on it but it looks like version in the CVS is broken. GCC
and Binutils are more or less ready. Just recently RTEMS guys had sucessful
build also on Cygwin and these tools are used to start with RTEMS port. Actually
RTEMS port is underway. Glibc is almost ready.

> About the OS poriting status, you said you are working on it, anything you
> can share now? How about the eCos?

Linux is really in early stages. RTEMS will be the first one working. I am
working on BSP for RTEMS. Latest snapshots of RTEMS have stubs for OR32 port.
eCos port wasn't started yet.

> Sorry for so many questions? I didn't get all above information from the
> website, hopefully you could shed me some light?

Yeah, I need to dedicate more time to web pages.

> Thanks,
> -Ling
