class ServiceBase

Base class for Services. More...

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Detailed Description

This class provides a base for services within Xorp processes. A service instance is an entity that can logically started and stopped and typically needs some asynchronous processing in order to start and stop. An example service within a routing process would be a RIB communicator service, which needs to co-ordinate with the RIB which is within a different process and may be on a different machine.

A service may be started and shutdown by calling startup() and shutdown(). The status of a service may be determined by calling status(). Additional notes on the current status may be obtained by calling status_note().

Synchronous service status changes may be received through the ServiceChangeObserverBase class. Instances of objects derived from this class can register for status change notifications in a Service instance by calling set_observer().

 ServiceBase (const string& name = "Unknown")


 ~ServiceBase ()


[pure virtual]

int  startup ()


[pure virtual]

Start service. Service should transition from SERVICE_READY to SERVICE_STARTING immediately and onto SERVICE_RUNNING or SERVICE_FAILED in the near future.

Returns: XORP_OK on success, otherwise XORP_ERROR.

int  shutdown ()


[pure virtual]

Shutdown service. Service should transition from SERVICE_RUNNING to SERVICE_SHUTTING_DOWN immediately and onto SERVICE_SHUTDOWN or SERVICE_FAILED in the near future.

Returns: XORP_OK on success, otherwise XORP_ERROR.

int  reset ()



Reset service. Service should transition in SERVICE_READY from whichever state it is in.

The default implementation always returns false as there is no default behaviour.

Returns: XORP_OK on success, otherwise XORP_ERROR.

int  pause ()



Pause service. Service should transition from SERVICE_RUNNING to SERVICE_PAUSING and asynchronously into SERVICE_PAUSED.

The default implementation always returns false as there is no default behaviour.

Returns: XORP_OK on success, otherwise XORP_ERROR.

int  resume ()



Resume paused service. Service should transition from SERVICE_PAUSED to SERVICE_PAUSING and asynchronously into SERVICE_RUNNING.

The default implementation always returns false as there is no default behaviour.

Returns: XORP_OK on success, otherwise XORP_ERROR.

const string&  service_name ()



Get name of service.

Returns: name of service. May be empty if not set in constructor.

ServiceStatus  status ()



Get the current status.

const string&  status_note ()



Get annotation associated with current status. The annotation when set is an explanation of the state, ie "waiting for Y"

const char*  status_name ()



Get a character representation of the current service status.

int  set_observer (ServiceChangeObserverBase* so)


Set service status change observer. The observer will receive synchronous notifications of changes in service state.


soservice change observer to add.

Returns: XORP_OK on success, otherwise XORP_ERROR.

int  unset_observer (ServiceChangeObserverBase* so)


Remove service status change observer.


soobserver to remove.

Returns: XORP_OK on success, otherwise XORP_ERROR.

void  set_status (ServiceStatus status, const string& note)



Set current status.


statusnew status.
notecomment on new service status.
void  set_status (ServiceStatus status)



Set current status and clear status note.


statusnew status.
string _name



ServiceStatus _status



string _note



ServiceChangeObserverBase* _observer



Generated by: bms on on Wed Jul 23 10:05:24 2008, using kdoc 2.0a54+XORP.