Class | Description |
ASExternalDatabase | Storage for AS-External-LSAs with efficient access. |
ASExternalDatabase::compare | |
ASExternalLsa | AS-external-LSA |
Adv | Storage for routing table entries indexed by advertising router. |
AreaRouter | Area Router |
AreaRouter::Bucket | |
AreaRouter::PeerState | Internal state that is required about each peer. |
Auth | This is the class that should be instantiated to access authentication. |
AuthHandlerBase | Base clase for OSPFv2 authentication mechanisms. |
BadPacket | Bad Packet exception. |
BadPeer | Bad Peer exception. |
DataBaseHandle | DataBase Handle |
DataDescriptionPacket | Database Description Packet |
DebugIO | Debugging implementation of IO for use by test programs. |
DebugIO::DebugRouteEntry | |
DelayQueue | Entries can be added to the queue at any rate. |
External | Handle AS-External-LSAs. |
HelloPacket | Hello packet |
IO | An abstract class that defines packet reception and transmission. |
InternalRouteEntry | Internal routing entry, potentially one per area. |
LinkStateAcknowledgementPacket | Link State Acknowledgement Packet |
LinkStateRequestPacket | Link State Request Packet |
LinkStateUpdatePacket | Link State Update Packet |
Ls_request | Link State Request as sent in a Link State Request Packet. |
Lsa | Link State Advertisement (LSA) |
LsaDecoder | LSA byte streams are decoded through this class. |
LsaTransmit | |
Lsa_header | LSA Header. |
MD5AuthHandler | OSPFv2 Authentication handler for MD5 scheme. |
MD5AuthHandler::MD5Key | Structure to hold MD5 key information. |
Neighbour | Neighbour specific information. |
NeighbourInfo | Neighbour information that is returned by XRLs. |
NetworkLsa | |
NullAuthHandler | OSPFv2 Authentication handler when no authentication scheme is employed. |
Options | Helper class to manipulate the options field in packets and LSAs. |
Ospf | An identifier meaning all peers. |
OspfTypes | OSPF Types |
OspfVarRW | |
Packet | All packet decode routines must inherit from this interface. |
PacketDecoder | Packet byte streams are decoded through this class. |
Peer | A peer represents a single area and is bound to a PeerOut. |
Peer::Candidate | Possible DR or BDR candidates. |
PeerManager | Peer Manager: 1) Monitor the state of the interfaces. |
PeerManager::Summary | Saved summaries that can be introduced into a new area. |
PeerOut | In OSPF terms this class represents an interface/link; interface is too overloaded a term. |
PlaintextAuthHandler | OSPFv2 Authentication handler for plaintext scheme. |
RouteEntry | External view of a routing entry. |
RouterLink | Defines a link/interface, carried in a RouterLsa. |
RouterLsa | |
RoutingTable | |
SimpleTransmit | A transmit object that sends fixed data. |
SummaryNetworkLsa | OSPFv2: Summary-LSA Type 3 OSPFv3: Inter-Area-Prefix-LSA |
SummaryRouterLsa | OSPFv2: Summary-LSA Type 4 OSPFv3: Inter-Area-Router-LSA |
Trace | All the trace variables in one place. |
Transmit | The base class for all transmissions. |
Type7Lsa | Type-7 LSA used to convey external routing information in NSSAs. |
Vertex | Vertex required for computing the shortest path tree. |
Vlink | Manage all the state for virtual links. |
Vlink::Vstate | State about each virtual link. |
XrlIO | Concrete implementation of IO using XRLs. |
XrlOspfV2Target | |
XrlOspfV3Target | |
XrlQueue | XXX - This should be moved to its own file. |
XrlQueue::Queued |