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Re: [usb] Please help with a USB DPLL
On Sun, 2003-05-18 at 02:28, mdennis97@hotmail.com wrote:
> hi, Mr. rudi:
> I am not so clear about the following code in usb_rx_phy.Maybe there
> are some special functions that I didn't grasp:
> // Compensate for sync registers at the input - allign full speed
> // clock enable to be in the middle between two bit changes ...
> always @(posedge clk)
> fs_ce_r1 <= #1 fs_ce_d;
> always @(posedge clk)
> fs_ce_r2 <= #1 fs_ce_r1;
> always @(posedge clk)
> fs_ce_r3 <= #1 fs_ce_r2;
> always @(posedge clk)
> fs_ce <= #1 fs_ce_r3;
> Can I replace them with "assign fs_ce = fs_ce_d;"? If not, why?
> Regards
> Dennis
Compensate for sync registers at the input - allign full speed
clock enable to be in the middle between two bit changes ...
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