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[openrisc] NEED HELP
hello evry one .. i'm a computer engineering student and this is my last
year in college me and my team are working in FPGA Embeded systems
design as a graduation project ... we have Xess XSV800 and we are
planning to develope a video application ... and we are looking for 2
things ... 1st and processor , 2nd an os ... we found that you are
succefull in booting uclinux on your processor OpenRISC 1000 and we
would like to help you if we can .. we are planning to use degital camera
and connected to the usb on the XSV so can you help us .. we can
work together and help you in your development .. so can you tell me
what i have to get from you such as (files ... etc ) and what i can help
doing ...
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