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Re: [openrisc] Field CWS in ICCFGR

Heya !

Yes this is a typo. IOt will be corrected in the new revision of the 


----- Original Message ----- 
From: Marko Mlinar <markom@o... > 
To: openrisc@o... ,  María Bolado 
<mbolado@t... > 
Date: Wed, 18 Dec 2002 14:07:16 +0100 
Subject: Re: [openrisc] Field CWS in ICCFGR 

> On Wednesday 18 December 2002 11:29, María Bolado wrote: 
> > Hello: 
> > Why do the Instruction Cache Configuration Register have a 
> field containing 
> > the "Cache Write Stategy"? Does that mean that writing in IC 
> is allowed? If 
> > so, why don't you implement a Cache Block Flush Register for 
> instruction 
> > cache? I guess that CWS in ICCFGR is a typo in document, but I 
> would like 
> > to confirm it. Thank you in advance. 
> > María Bolado 
> Cache write strategy is optional to implement and means e.g. LRU, 
> FIFO,... 
> Marko 
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