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RE: [ethmac] a question about ifg_timer.v

What is the file name you downloaded? I can't find this file from


-Chun Lin

> ----------
> From: 	YU ZHOU[SMTP:boat313@263.net]
> Reply To: 	ethmac@opencores.org
> Sent: 	2002Äê1ÔÂ17ÈÕ 16:39
> To: 	ethmac@opencores.org
> Subject: 	[ethmac] a question about  ifg_timer.v 
> Hi,
>    I am trying to implement the Ethernet MAC (from Opencores) on the FPGA.
> I have a question about the ifg_timer.v that  has been  described in
> transmit module.
>   In the brief description,it is said that the IFG has two intervals time,
> IFG_1 for the first 60 bit times and IFG_2 for the following 36 bit times
> of IFG. But in the program I find:
> `define IFG_LENGTH_2 (5'd22)
> I'm not sure if the length is "5'd22". Why it is "22"?
> I think it ought to be "5'd24".
> Perhaps I'm wrong,but I want to know the reason.
> Would you tell me about it?
> Thanks. 
> Regards,
> YuZhou
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