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Re: [oc] Fwd: [cdrom] Re: FFT Hardware Structure Design

I'm doing almost the same thing as jamil... I mean I'm designning a FFT 
using VHDL for OFDM system. The problem is I don't have any idea how 
to transfer the algorithm to VHDL. can you help me too?

----- Original Message ----- 
From: Ganesh Venkataraman <gxv@c... > 
To: cores@o...  
Date: Wed, 09 Aug 2000 11:52:31 +0531 
Subject: Re: [oc] Fwd: [cdrom] Re: FFT Hardware Structure Design 

> Hi Jamil, 
>  Regarding the hardware implementation of FFT. 
>  First do a behavior model and test it. That must be simple and 
> will be useful later to test u'r complete structural design 
>  For the behavior model, u need 1024x2 registers each being 16-bit 
> wide, plus an accumulator and a register to store the data. 
>  The u go on to the structural design. Do u need to do a complete 
> structural design or will an RTL level design be sufficient. 
>  Generally, for big designs no body does a complete structural 
> design, an RTL level model would be enough. 
>  If u can give me the exact details of the algorithm that u are 
> planning to use, I can help u out with the design. I can tell u 
> what all 
>  blocks u need and how to go about with the design 
> regards, 
> Ganesh Venkataraman 
> Jamil Khatib wrote: 
> I am forwarding this email to main opencores mailing 
> list 
> --- hanzy <hanzy@c... > wrote: 
> > Date: Tue, 8 Aug 2000 11:14:11 +0800 
> > From: hanzy <hanzy@c... > 
> > To: "cdrom@o... " <cdrom@o... > 
> > Subject: [cdrom] Re: FFT Hardware Structure Design 
> > Reply-to: cdrom@o...  
> > 
> > FFT Hardware Structure Design 
> > I'm now researching in the Fastest FFT hardware 
> > structure Design, (Fast Fourium Transform, 1024 
> > complex points with 16 bits precision, should be 
> > processed in 32us), I use VHDL to design the 
> > structure, but to the structure I don't know the 
> > details, the algorithm is easy, but to turn the 
> > algorithm to structure and turn to digital 
> > electronical design, for I have no experiences, I 
> > still feel all adrift, is there any experts who can 
> > give me some references? 
> > 
> > Best Regards! 
> > 
> > hanzy 
> > 
> > -- 
> Ganesh Venkataraman Ph : 90-080-3530132 extn 150 Design Engineer 
> email : gxv@c...  Cypress Semiconductors Bangalore India 
> "Whether you think you can or you think you can't YOU ARE RIGHT " 
> begin:vcard n:Venkataraman;Ganesh tel;home:90-080-5272995 
> tel;work:90-080-3530132 extn 150 x-mozilla.shtml:FALSE org:Cypress 
> Semiconductor Technology India Limited;DCD version:2.1 
> email;internet:gxv@c...  title:Design Engineer 
> adr;quoted-printable:;;137, 15th 'B' Cross,=0D=0AEashwara 
> Layout,=0D=0AIndira Nagar Second Stage.
> x-mozilla-cpt:;-19280 fn:Ganesh Venkataraman end:vcard 
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