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[oc] About Dual SDRAM.....

Dear Mr.Lee
I'm a research worker in POSTECH. POSTECH is pohang university of science and technical in Korea.
I want to know the way to use the dual SDRAM.
The model Number of dual SDRAM is M374S1723BTS made by samsung.
The size of this sdram is 128MB.
I would like to make a data acquisition board using this SDRAM. 
So, as I know there are 4 bank in this sdram.
and, because we have lots of data to save, if I send the data continously in serial,
we may lose the data during the refresh time.
 Due to occur the refrsh clock at the same time, if I control the refresh timing instant,
I can save the data the other module.
As I know the refresh time occur internally in module. so,If I can control each refresh time,
when module1is saving the data, module2 can be refreshed. and while module1 is refreshed, module2 can save
the data which may lose at that time.
Is this method right? and possible?
This is the first thing to know to me.
And the second thing is to select the module altenatively.
If we assume there are  bank a1,a2,a3,a4 in module1, and bank b1,b2,b3,b4 in module2,
I want to use  bank a1, b1, a2, b2, a3, b3....in order.
Can I select  externally the module bank in that order, for example 3 or 2 bit the other select lines.
We can't use the CS(chip select) because the CS is always low.
that's all.
Actually I have another thing to know. but I can't explane the problem due to my english capacity.
Would you explain that question for me? please.
I know you have the Korea name. so I want to write the anther letter in Korean.
So, If you can understand the contents of my letter, please respond  my e_mail.
I will wait your response.
Thanks for reading my e_mail.
OpenCore À¥»çÀÌÆ®¸¦ º¸°í Á¤¸» ±â»¼½À´Ï´Ù.
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