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[oc] FW: Design data for Motorola board available


> OpenHardware.net announces the availability of the design data for a Motorola MC68EZ328 board
>      design which runs the current uClinux (www.uClinux.org) embedded Linux distribution. All design
>      data, including the schematics & PCB GERBER data files needed to reproduce the MPU board and
>      a matching mini-motherboard, are available on the site, as well as a number of photos.
>      The 72-pin SIMM MPU board currently includes the following features:
>           the MC68EZ328 CPU
>           2-8MB Flash memory
>           8MB EDO DRAM
>           Battery-backed clock (Dallas DS1306E)
>           128K word external device bus
>           Processor Reset & BDM mode invoked via the SIMM edge connector
>           Lots of I/O pins! 9 general purpose I/O bits; 9 LCD control lines; 3 RS232 signals; 3 serial
>           peripheral interface signals (SPI) at the SIMM edge connector
>           External memory bus, organized as 128Kx16 for external add-on cards
>           96 bytes of battery backed SRAM (DS1306E)
>           MPU can assert Reset to all bus devices
>           Replaceable Lithium CR2032 "coin" battery
>           GNU GCC development tools
>           Approx. 80 mA current drain

Jeff Garzik              | Nothing cures insomnia like the
Building 1024            | realization that it's time to get up.
MandrakeSoft, Inc.       |        -- random fortune