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Re: [oc] OCRP-1

Hello folks,

I too would be interested in an assembled board.  It sounds like there are
a lot of people who feel this way.  So, the question is, how many people do
we need to find before the cost of an assembled board becomes reasonable?
I'd probably be willing to pay $100 to $200.  Is this even in the ballpark?

By the way, if these assembled boards do ever materialize, would they be
assembled in such a way that the FPGA is reprogrammable?  Ideally, the FPGA
would be in a ZIF socket or something so that a person could play around
with changing the logic.  (or maybe even reprogrammable in the circuit?)
I'm not a big hardware expert as you can probably tell, and I haven't built
a computer since the days of the Intel 8085, but will this be a possibility?


P.S.  Is there any central list somewhere of who is interested in
assembled/unassembled boards?  Would it help to create a database somewhere
so that people could enter their names and Damjan would know how many
people wanted these boards?  I'd be glad to do this if help is needed.  I
didn't see anything like this on opencores.org, but maybe I am just missing

At 02:44 PM 3/25/00 +0700, Sarwono Sutikno wrote:
>Dear Joerg,
>I interested at assembled and tested OCRP-I.
>Can you calculate the price of assembled and tested OCRP-I?
>Best regards from Bandung, INDONESIA
>Sarwono Sutikno
>On Fri, 24 Mar 2000,
>WM wrote: > Hi folks,
>> as I announced earlier I like your project and try to support it whereever
>> possible.
>> I can offer to run the PCB production with our contract partners.
>> We can also offer packages with components or assembled boards. 
>> The plain PCB (complete electronicly tested!) we can offer for USD 30,-
>> Worldwide shipping adds another few dollars of course.
>> we might calculate a set with all or just all "hard to find" components and
>> assembled boards.
>> If there is enough interest we can ship boards within two weeks.
>> Best regards
>> Joerg
>> At 21:18 23.03.00 +0100, you wrote:
>> >
>> >Currently there is about 12 candidates for OCRP-1. Some expressed interest
>> >to get fully assembled and tested boards. Situation:
>> >
>> >- bare PCBs are no problem. Price listed on the web for one piece is for
>> >ordering 20 PCBs at the manufacturer. If there will be less than 20
>> >candidates then the prices might be a bit higher (10-20 %). More than 20
>> >candidates lowers the prices but not much. It is very probable that I
>> >PCBs next week.
>> >- assembled boards might be a problem since I must first buy all componets
>> >and find a company that will solder them at a good price. This could be a
>> >problem since assembly and verification of 10-20 boards could be very
>> >expensive. That is way I prefer bare PCBs.
>> >
>> >I'll forward more information when I get more information about assembly
>> >prices and perhaps gather more candidates for OCRP-1. Expect this to
>> >next week.
>> >
>> >regards, Damjan
>> ---------------------------------------------
>>         Wilhelm Mikroelektronik GmbH
>>  Sueggelstr. 31  -  44532 Luenen  -  Germany
>> phone ++49 2306 928280  fax: ++49 2306 928289
>>        internet: http://www.wilhelm.de
>> ---------------------------------------------