Packages not in Groups

pgplot-devel - Libraries, includes, etc. used to develop an application with pgplot

These are the header files and static libraries needed to develop a pgplot
License:freely available for non-commercial use Group:Packages not in Groups
URL: Source: pgplot


Name Version Release Type Size Built
pgplot-devel 5.2.2 31.fc11 i586 317 KiB Sun May 3 19:05:42 2009
pgplot-devel 5.2.2 31.fc11 x86_64 317 KiB Sun May 3 21:44:51 2009


* Sun Nov 9 13:00:00 2008 Sergio Pascual <sergio{*}pasra{%}gmail{*}com> 5.2.2-24
- Using sed to enable the drivers instead of patch
- Removed docs package
- Added pkgconfig files
- Package tcl renamed as tk
- Create pdf doc from latex routines description
* Wed Nov 12 13:00:00 2008 Sergio Pascual <sergio{*}pasra{%}gmail{*}com> 5.2.2-25
- Fixed non-standard-executable-perm in libcpgplot and libtkpgplot
- Included version files in one Changelog
- Parallel make works only with make cpg
- Removed macro lvfull, using version instead
- copyright.notice in all subpackages
- Patched tk driver to have a loadable package
- Tk driver follows tcl guidelines
* Thu Nov 13 13:00:00 2008 Sergio Pascual <sergio{*}pasra{%}gmail{*}com> 5.2.2-26
- Provides includes release

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