DareDevils Package PageCompiling the package for Linux / BeOS / Other UnixesYou need to download the source package either in the gzip format [1.4Mo] or in the bzip format [1.3Mo].The more adventurous can try the bleeding-edge current release [1.5Mo] instead. Once the download is finished type the following commands in a shell : $ gzip -d -c daredevils-0.0.8.tar.gz | tar xv followed by a : $ cd daredevils-0.0.8/ and the best sequence to install a program from source on any platform : $ ./configure or if you run BeOS : $ ./configure --disable-sdl-sound $ make [Make coffee, choose good music, write shopping list, drink coffee] $ su type root password # make install # exit and launch the game : $ daredevils And you sould see the game run ( if not, you should send us a bug report ;). Getting the RPM package for Linux RPM systemsYou need to download this RPM file [1.1Mo].Then as root : $ rpm -i daredevils-0.0.8-0.i586.rpm Getting the package for WindowsWe do not advise you to compile the package if you run windows.Instead, get the compiled package in this zip file [1.1Mo]. Getting old versions, just for a laughAll past, present and future versions of the game are kept there |