Source: ../../libxorp/exceptions.hh

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// -*- c-basic-offset: 4; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: t -*-

// Copyright (c) 2001-2009 XORP, Inc.
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License, Version
// 2.1, June 1999 as published by the Free Software Foundation.
// Redistribution and/or modification of this program under the terms of
// any other version of the GNU Lesser General Public License is not
// permitted.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
// WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// see the GNU Lesser General Public License, Version 2.1, a copy of
// which can be found in the XORP LICENSE.lgpl file.
// XORP, Inc, 2953 Bunker Hill Lane, Suite 204, Santa Clara, CA 95054, USA;

// $XORP: xorp/libxorp/exceptions.hh,v 1.12 2009/01/05 18:30:57 jtc Exp $


#include <exception>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <string>
#include "xorp.h"
#include "libxorp/c_format.hh"

 * Macro to known insert values into exception arguments.
#define xorp_throw(_class, args...) \
	throw _class(__FILE__, __LINE__, args);

#define xorp_throw0(_class) \
	throw _class(__FILE__, __LINE__);

 * @short A base class for XORP exceptions.
class XorpException {
     * Constructor for a given type for exception, file name,
     * and file line number.
     * @param init_what the type of exception.
     * @param file the file name where the exception was thrown.
     * @param line the line in @ref file where the exception was thrown.
    XorpException(const char* init_what, const char* file, size_t line) 
	: _what(init_what), _file(file), _line(line) {}

     * Destructor
    virtual ~XorpException() {}

     * Get the type of this exception.
     * @return the string with the type of this exception.
    const string what() const { return _what; }

     * Get the location for throwing an exception.
     * @return the string with the location (file name and file line number)
     * for throwing an exception.
    const string where() const { 
	return c_format("line %u of %s", XORP_UINT_CAST(_line), _file); 

     * Get the reason for throwing an exception.
     * @return the string with the reason for throwing an exception.
    virtual const string why() const { return "Not specified"; }

     * Convert this exception from binary form to presentation format.
     * @return C++ string with the human-readable ASCII representation
     * of the exception.
    string str() const {
	return what() + " from " + where() + ": " + why();

    string	_what;		// The type of exception
    const char*	_file;		// The file name where exception occured
    size_t	_line;		// The line number where exception occured

 * @short A base class for XORP exceptions that keeps the reason for exception.
class XorpReasonedException : public XorpException {
     * Constructor for a given type for exception, file name,
     * file line number, and a reason.
     * @param init_what the type of exception.
     * @param file the file name where the exception was thrown.
     * @param line the line in @ref file where the exception was thrown.
     * @param init_why the reason for the exception that was thrown.
    XorpReasonedException(const char* init_what, const char* file, 
			  size_t line, const string& init_why) 
	: XorpException(init_what, file, line), _why(init_why) {}

     * Get the reason for throwing an exception.
     * @return the string with the reason for throwing an exception.
    const string why() const { 
	return ( _why.size() != 0 ) ? _why : string("Not specified"); 

    string _why;		// The reason for the exception

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Standard XORP exceptions

 * @short A standard XORP exception that is thrown if a string is invalid.
class InvalidString : public XorpReasonedException {
    InvalidString(const char* file, size_t line, const string& init_why = "") 
	: XorpReasonedException("InvalidString", file, line, init_why) {}

 * @short A standard XORP exception that is thrown if an address is invalid.
class InvalidAddress : public XorpReasonedException {
    InvalidAddress(const char* file, size_t line, const string& init_why = "")
	: XorpReasonedException("InvalidAddress", file, line, init_why) {}

 * @short A standard XORP exception that is thrown if a port is invalid.
class InvalidPort : public XorpReasonedException {
    InvalidPort(const char* file, size_t line, const string& init_why = "")
	: XorpReasonedException("InvalidPort", file, line, init_why) {}

 * @short A standard XORP exception that is thrown if a cast is invalid.
class InvalidCast : public XorpReasonedException {
    InvalidCast(const char* file, size_t line, const string& init_why = "") 
	: XorpReasonedException("XorpCast", file, line, init_why) {}

 * @short A standard XORP exception that is thrown if a buffer ofset is
 * invalid.
class InvalidBufferOffset : public XorpReasonedException {
    InvalidBufferOffset(const char* file, size_t line,
			const string& init_why = "")
	: XorpReasonedException("XorpInvalidBufferOffset", file, line,
				init_why) {}

 * @short A standard XORP exception that is thrown if an address family is
 * invalid.
class InvalidFamily : public XorpException {
    InvalidFamily(const char* file, size_t line, int af) : 
	XorpException("XorpInvalidFamily", file, line), _af(af) {} 

    const string why() const { 
	    return c_format("Unknown IP family - %d", _af);

    int _af;

 * @short A standard XORP exception that is thrown if the packet is invalid.
class InvalidPacket : public XorpReasonedException {
    InvalidPacket(const char* file, size_t line, const string& init_why = "")
	: XorpReasonedException("XorpInvalidPacket", file, line, init_why) {}

 * @short A standard XORP exception that is thrown if an IP netmask length is
 * invalid.
class InvalidNetmaskLength : public XorpException {
    InvalidNetmaskLength(const char* file, size_t line, int netmask_length) : 
	XorpException("XorpInvalidNetmaskLength", file, line), _netmask_length
(netmask_length) {} 

    const string why() const { 
	    return c_format("Invalid netmask length - %d", _netmask_length);

    int _netmask_length;

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

 * Print diagnostic message if exception is derived from @ref XorpException or
 * from standard exceptions, and terminate the program.
void xorp_catch_standard_exceptions();

 * Print diagnostic message if exception is derived from @ref XorpException or
 * from standard exceptions.
 * Note that unlike @ref xorp_catch_standard_exceptions(), the program
 * does NOT terminate.
void xorp_print_standard_exceptions();

 * Unexpected exceptions are programming errors and this handler can
 * be installed with XorpUnexpectedHandler to print out as much
 * information as possible.  The default behaviour is just to dump
 * core, but it very hard to detect what happened.
void xorp_unexpected_handler();

 * XorpUnexpectedHandler installs the xorp_unexpected_handler when
 * instantiated and re-installed the previous handler when
 * uninstantiated. 
class XorpUnexpectedHandler {
    XorpUnexpectedHandler(unexpected_handler h = xorp_unexpected_handler) {
	_oh = set_unexpected(h);
    ~XorpUnexpectedHandler() { set_unexpected(_oh); }
    unexpected_handler _oh;


Generated by: pavlin on on Wed Jan 7 19:10:36 2009, using kdoc 2.0a54+XORP.