Der erste Befehl bringt das vorher beschriebene Fenster und beendet es gleich wieder, das ganze etwa 10 mal
der zweite befehl macht ja dann nicht weiter weil der erste nicht läuft, oder?
Wenn ich 2 terminal aufmache den ersten befehl nicht abbreche und dann im 2ten termianl den 2ten befehl eingebe kommt:
[email protected]:/var/lib/vdr# /usr/lib/easyvdr/easyvdr-start/easyvdr-vdr start
[email protected]:/var/lib/vdr# /usr/sbin/easyvdr-runvdr: Zeile 179: 1864 Abgebrochen /usr/bin/vdr --dirnames=,,1 --user=vdr --grab=/media/easyvdr01/photos --lib=/usr/lib/vdr/plugins "-Pburn -t /media/easyvdr01/convert/tmp -d /media/easyvdr01/convert/tmp -i /media/easyvdr01/convert/iso " "-Pdevstatus " "-Pdvdswitch -i /media/easyvdr01/convert/iso/ " "-Pepgsearch " "-Pextrecmenu " "-Pfemon " "-Plive -p 8008 -i --epgimages=/var/cache/vdr/epgimages " "-Pskinflatplus " "-Pstreamdev-server " "-Psysteminfo " "-Ptext2skin " "-Psofthddevice -f -v va-api -d :0 -a default -w alsa-driver-broken " "-Psetup" --record=/usr/lib/vdr/easyvdr-recordingaction --video=/video0 --config=/var/lib/vdr --watchdog=500 --log=2 --epgfile=/var/cache/vdr/ --port=6419 --shutdown=/usr/lib/vdr/easyvdr-shutdown.wrapper --no-kbd < /dev/tty7 > /dev/null > /dev/null 2> /dev/null
Sending 1 processes the TERM signal.terminated.
/usr/sbin/easyvdr-runvdr: Zeile 179: 2193 Abgebrochen /usr/bin/vdr --dirnames=,,1 --user=vdr --grab=/media/easyvdr01/photos --lib=/usr/lib/vdr/plugins "-Pburn -t /media/easyvdr01/convert/tmp -d /media/easyvdr01/convert/tmp -i /media/easyvdr01/convert/iso " "-Pdevstatus " "-Pdvdswitch -i /media/easyvdr01/convert/iso/ " "-Pepgsearch " "-Pextrecmenu " "-Pfemon " "-Plive -p 8008 -i --epgimages=/var/cache/vdr/epgimages " "-Pskinflatplus " "-Pstreamdev-server " "-Psysteminfo " "-Ptext2skin " "-Psofthddevice -f -v va-api -d :0 -a default -w alsa-driver-broken " "-Psetup" --record=/usr/lib/vdr/easyvdr-recordingaction --video=/video0 --config=/var/lib/vdr --watchdog=500 --log=2 --epgfile=/var/cache/vdr/ --port=6419 --shutdown=/usr/lib/vdr/easyvdr-shutdown.wrapper --no-kbd < /dev/tty7 > /dev/null > /dev/null 2> /dev/null
Sending 1 processes the TERM signal.terminated.
/usr/sbin/easyvdr-runvdr: Zeile 179: 2521 Abgebrochen /usr/bin/vdr --dirnames=,,1 --user=vdr --grab=/media/easyvdr01/photos --lib=/usr/lib/vdr/plugins "-Pburn -t /media/easyvdr01/convert/tmp -d /media/easyvdr01/convert/tmp -i /media/easyvdr01/convert/iso " "-Pdevstatus " "-Pdvdswitch -i /media/easyvdr01/convert/iso/ " "-Pepgsearch " "-Pextrecmenu " "-Pfemon " "-Plive -p 8008 -i --epgimages=/var/cache/vdr/epgimages " "-Pskinflatplus " "-Pstreamdev-server " "-Psysteminfo " "-Ptext2skin " "-Psofthddevice -f -v va-api -d :0 -a default -w alsa-driver-broken " "-Psetup" --record=/usr/lib/vdr/easyvdr-recordingaction --video=/video0 --config=/var/lib/vdr --watchdog=500 --log=2 --epgfile=/var/cache/vdr/ --port=6419 --shutdown=/usr/lib/vdr/easyvdr-shutdown.wrapper --no-kbd < /dev/tty7 > /dev/null > /dev/null 2> /dev/null
Sending 1 processes the TERM signal.terminated.
/usr/sbin/easyvdr-runvdr: Zeile 179: 2849 Abgebrochen /usr/bin/vdr --dirnames=,,1 --user=vdr --grab=/media/easyvdr01/photos --lib=/usr/lib/vdr/plugins "-Pburn -t /media/easyvdr01/convert/tmp -d /media/easyvdr01/convert/tmp -i /media/easyvdr01/convert/iso " "-Pdevstatus " "-Pdvdswitch -i /media/easyvdr01/convert/iso/ " "-Pepgsearch " "-Pextrecmenu " "-Pfemon " "-Plive -p 8008 -i --epgimages=/var/cache/vdr/epgimages " "-Pskinflatplus " "-Pstreamdev-server " "-Psysteminfo " "-Ptext2skin " "-Psofthddevice -f -v va-api -d :0 -a default -w alsa-driver-broken " "-Psetup" --record=/usr/lib/vdr/easyvdr-recordingaction --video=/video0 --config=/var/lib/vdr --watchdog=500 --log=2 --epgfile=/var/cache/vdr/ --port=6419 --shutdown=/usr/lib/vdr/easyvdr-shutdown.wrapper --no-kbd < /dev/tty7 > /dev/null > /dev/null 2> /dev/null
Sending 1 processes the TERM signal.terminated.
/usr/sbin/easyvdr-runvdr: Zeile 179: 3177 Abgebrochen /usr/bin/vdr --dirnames=,,1 --user=vdr --grab=/media/easyvdr01/photos --lib=/usr/lib/vdr/plugins "-Pburn -t /media/easyvdr01/convert/tmp -d /media/easyvdr01/convert/tmp -i /media/easyvdr01/convert/iso " "-Pdevstatus " "-Pdvdswitch -i /media/easyvdr01/convert/iso/ " "-Pepgsearch " "-Pextrecmenu " "-Pfemon " "-Plive -p 8008 -i --epgimages=/var/cache/vdr/epgimages " "-Pskinflatplus " "-Pstreamdev-server " "-Psysteminfo " "-Ptext2skin " "-Psofthddevice -f -v va-api -d :0 -a default -w alsa-driver-broken " "-Psetup" --record=/usr/lib/vdr/easyvdr-recordingaction --video=/video0 --config=/var/lib/vdr --watchdog=500 --log=2 --epgfile=/var/cache/vdr/ --port=6419 --shutdown=/usr/lib/vdr/easyvdr-shutdown.wrapper --no-kbd < /dev/tty7 > /dev/null > /dev/null 2> /dev/null
Sending 1 processes the TERM signal.terminated.
/usr/sbin/easyvdr-runvdr: Zeile 179: 3505 Abgebrochen /usr/bin/vdr --dirnames=,,1 --user=vdr --grab=/media/easyvdr01/photos --lib=/usr/lib/vdr/plugins "-Pburn -t /media/easyvdr01/convert/tmp -d /media/easyvdr01/convert/tmp -i /media/easyvdr01/convert/iso " "-Pdevstatus " "-Pdvdswitch -i /media/easyvdr01/convert/iso/ " "-Pepgsearch " "-Pextrecmenu " "-Pfemon " "-Plive -p 8008 -i --epgimages=/var/cache/vdr/epgimages " "-Pskinflatplus " "-Pstreamdev-server " "-Psysteminfo " "-Ptext2skin " "-Psofthddevice -f -v va-api -d :0 -a default -w alsa-driver-broken " "-Psetup" --record=/usr/lib/vdr/easyvdr-recordingaction --video=/video0 --config=/var/lib/vdr --watchdog=500 --log=2 --epgfile=/var/cache/vdr/ --port=6419 --shutdown=/usr/lib/vdr/easyvdr-shutdown.wrapper --no-kbd < /dev/tty7 > /dev/null > /dev/null 2> /dev/null
Sending 1 processes the TERM signal.terminated.
/usr/sbin/easyvdr-runvdr: Zeile 179: 3833 Abgebrochen /usr/bin/vdr --dirnames=,,1 --user=vdr --grab=/media/easyvdr01/photos --lib=/usr/lib/vdr/plugins "-Pburn -t /media/easyvdr01/convert/tmp -d /media/easyvdr01/convert/tmp -i /media/easyvdr01/convert/iso " "-Pdevstatus " "-Pdvdswitch -i /media/easyvdr01/convert/iso/ " "-Pepgsearch " "-Pextrecmenu " "-Pfemon " "-Plive -p 8008 -i --epgimages=/var/cache/vdr/epgimages " "-Pskinflatplus " "-Pstreamdev-server " "-Psysteminfo " "-Ptext2skin " "-Psofthddevice -f -v va-api -d :0 -a default -w alsa-driver-broken " "-Psetup" --record=/usr/lib/vdr/easyvdr-recordingaction --video=/video0 --config=/var/lib/vdr --watchdog=500 --log=2 --epgfile=/var/cache/vdr/ --port=6419 --shutdown=/usr/lib/vdr/easyvdr-shutdown.wrapper --no-kbd < /dev/tty7 > /dev/null > /dev/null 2> /dev/null
Sending 1 processes the TERM signal.terminated.
/usr/sbin/easyvdr-runvdr: Zeile 179: 4161 Abgebrochen /usr/bin/vdr --dirnames=,,1 --user=vdr --grab=/media/easyvdr01/photos --lib=/usr/lib/vdr/plugins "-Pburn -t /media/easyvdr01/convert/tmp -d /media/easyvdr01/convert/tmp -i /media/easyvdr01/convert/iso " "-Pdevstatus " "-Pdvdswitch -i /media/easyvdr01/convert/iso/ " "-Pepgsearch " "-Pextrecmenu " "-Pfemon " "-Plive -p 8008 -i --epgimages=/var/cache/vdr/epgimages " "-Pskinflatplus " "-Pstreamdev-server " "-Psysteminfo " "-Ptext2skin " "-Psofthddevice -f -v va-api -d :0 -a default -w alsa-driver-broken " "-Psetup" --record=/usr/lib/vdr/easyvdr-recordingaction --video=/video0 --config=/var/lib/vdr --watchdog=500 --log=2 --epgfile=/var/cache/vdr/ --port=6419 --shutdown=/usr/lib/vdr/easyvdr-shutdown.wrapper --no-kbd < /dev/tty7 > /dev/null > /dev/null 2> /dev/null
Sending 1 processes the TERM signal.terminated.
/usr/sbin/easyvdr-runvdr: Zeile 179: 4489 Abgebrochen /usr/bin/vdr --dirnames=,,1 --user=vdr --grab=/media/easyvdr01/photos --lib=/usr/lib/vdr/plugins "-Pburn -t /media/easyvdr01/convert/tmp -d /media/easyvdr01/convert/tmp -i /media/easyvdr01/convert/iso " "-Pdevstatus " "-Pdvdswitch -i /media/easyvdr01/convert/iso/ " "-Pepgsearch " "-Pextrecmenu " "-Pfemon " "-Plive -p 8008 -i --epgimages=/var/cache/vdr/epgimages " "-Pskinflatplus " "-Pstreamdev-server " "-Psysteminfo " "-Ptext2skin " "-Psofthddevice -f -v va-api -d :0 -a default -w alsa-driver-broken " "-Psetup" --record=/usr/lib/vdr/easyvdr-recordingaction --video=/video0 --config=/var/lib/vdr --watchdog=500 --log=2 --epgfile=/var/cache/vdr/ --port=6419 --shutdown=/usr/lib/vdr/easyvdr-shutdown.wrapper --no-kbd < /dev/tty7 > /dev/null > /dev/null 2> /dev/null
Sending 1 processes the TERM signal.terminated.
/usr/sbin/easyvdr-runvdr: Zeile 179: 4817 Abgebrochen /usr/bin/vdr --dirnames=,,1 --user=vdr --grab=/media/easyvdr01/photos --lib=/usr/lib/vdr/plugins "-Pburn -t /media/easyvdr01/convert/tmp -d /media/easyvdr01/convert/tmp -i /media/easyvdr01/convert/iso " "-Pdevstatus " "-Pdvdswitch -i /media/easyvdr01/convert/iso/ " "-Pepgsearch " "-Pextrecmenu " "-Pfemon " "-Plive -p 8008 -i --epgimages=/var/cache/vdr/epgimages " "-Pskinflatplus " "-Pstreamdev-server " "-Psysteminfo " "-Ptext2skin " "-Psofthddevice -f -v va-api -d :0 -a default -w alsa-driver-broken " "-Psetup" --record=/usr/lib/vdr/easyvdr-recordingaction --video=/video0 --config=/var/lib/vdr --watchdog=500 --log=2 --epgfile=/var/cache/vdr/ --port=6419 --shutdown=/usr/lib/vdr/easyvdr-shutdown.wrapper --no-kbd < /dev/tty7 > /dev/null > /dev/null 2> /dev/null
Sending 1 processes the TERM signal.terminated.
der zweite befehl macht ja dann nicht weiter weil der erste nicht läuft, oder?
[email protected]:/var/lib/vdr# /usr/lib/easyvdr/easyvdr-start/easyvdr-frontend start
[email protected]:/var/lib/vdr# 789
connect: Connection refused
connect: Connection refused
Wenn ich 2 terminal aufmache den ersten befehl nicht abbreche und dann im 2ten termianl den 2ten befehl eingebe kommt:
[email protected]:/var/lib/vdr# /usr/lib/easyvdr/easyvdr-start/easyvdr-frontend start
[email protected]:/var/lib/vdr# ps: Fehler beim Schreiben: Ungültiger Dateideskriptor
connect: Connection refused
connect: Connection refused
Hardware: Asrock J4105M: 8GB Ram: TT S2-1600: PicoPSU 90W: ScalarNetzteil 96W: Atric Rev.5: TT-black CT-3650: 5Test-Festplatten
SSD TS128GMTE110S: Video0-Festplatte WD20SPZX: EZDIY-FAB NVME PCIe Adapter
päter DD V6.5:
Aktuell: EasyVDR 2.5: Silverstone SG02F: Athlon X2 245e: MSI 890GXM-G65: DDR3 - 4x 2GB-Kit Corsair: LG-Brenner: DigitalDevice Cine S2 V6.5: MSI - Geforce GT720: Atric Rev.5:
Phillips SBC RU 7060: Logilink WL0145 für Mediathek:
System-Platte: SSD Samsung
Video0-Platte: WD10JPVT
Hardware: Asrock J4105M: 8GB Ram: TT S2-1600: PicoPSU 90W: ScalarNetzteil 96W: Atric Rev.5: TT-black CT-3650: 5Test-Festplatten
SSD TS128GMTE110S: Video0-Festplatte WD20SPZX: EZDIY-FAB NVME PCIe Adapter

Aktuell: EasyVDR 2.5: Silverstone SG02F: Athlon X2 245e: MSI 890GXM-G65: DDR3 - 4x 2GB-Kit Corsair: LG-Brenner: DigitalDevice Cine S2 V6.5: MSI - Geforce GT720: Atric Rev.5:
Phillips SBC RU 7060: Logilink WL0145 für Mediathek:
System-Platte: SSD Samsung
Video0-Platte: WD10JPVT