// -*- c-basic-offset: 4; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: t -*- // vim:set sts=4 ts=8: // Copyright (c) 2001-2006 International Computer Science Institute // // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a // copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software") // to deal in the Software without restriction, subject to the conditions // listed in the XORP LICENSE file. These conditions include: you must // preserve this copyright notice, and you cannot mention the copyright // holders in advertising related to the Software without their permission. // The Software is provided WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED. This // notice is a summary of the XORP LICENSE file; the license in that file is // legally binding. // $XORP: xorp/bgp/plumbing.hh,v 1.40 2006/07/12 02:35:19 atanu Exp $ #ifndef __BGP_PLUMBING_HH__ #define __BGP_PLUMBING_HH__ #include <map> #include "route_table_ribin.hh" #include "route_table_damping.hh" #include "route_table_deletion.hh" #include "route_table_ribout.hh" #include "route_table_decision.hh" #include "route_table_aggregation.hh" #include "route_table_fanout.hh" #include "route_table_dump.hh" #include "route_table_filter.hh" #include "route_table_cache.hh" #include "route_table_nhlookup.hh" #include "route_table_policy.hh" #include "route_table_policy_sm.hh" #include "route_table_policy_im.hh" #include "route_table_policy_ex.hh" #include "peer.hh" #include "rib_ipc_handler.hh" #include "next_hop_resolver.hh" #include "parameter.hh" #include "policy/backend/policy_filters.hh" class BGPPlumbing; template <class A> class RouteTableReader; template <class A> class BGPPlumbingAF { public: BGPPlumbingAF(const string& ribname, BGPPlumbing& master, NextHopResolver<A>& next_hop_resolver); ~BGPPlumbingAF(); int add_peering(PeerHandler* peer_handler); int stop_peering(PeerHandler* peer_handler); int peering_went_down(PeerHandler* peer_handler); int peering_came_up(PeerHandler* peer_handler); int delete_peering(PeerHandler* peer_handler); void flush(PeerHandler* peer_handler); int add_route(const InternalMessage<A> &rtmsg, PeerHandler* peer_handler); int delete_route(const InternalMessage<A> &rtmsg, PeerHandler* peer_handler); int delete_route(const IPNet<A> &net, PeerHandler* peer_handler); const SubnetRoute<A>* lookup_route(const IPNet<A> &net) const; void push(PeerHandler* peer_handler); void output_no_longer_busy(PeerHandler* peer_handler); /** * @return the number of prefixes in the RIB-IN. */ uint32_t get_prefix_count(PeerHandler* peer_handler) const; /** * Hook to the next hop resolver so that xrl calls from the RIB * can be passed through. */ NextHopResolver<A>& next_hop_resolver() {return _next_hop_resolver;} uint32_t create_route_table_reader(const IPNet<A>& prefix); bool read_next_route(uint32_t token, const SubnetRoute<A>*& route, IPv4& peer_id); /** * Get the status of the Plumbing * * @param reason the human-readable reason for any failure * * @return false if Plumbing has suffered a fatal error, * true otherwise */ bool status(string& reason) const; /** * Push routes through policy filters for re-filtering. */ void push_routes(); private: /** * A peering has just come up dump all the routes to it. */ void dump_entire_table(FilterTable<A> *filter_out, string ribname); void configure_inbound_filter(PeerHandler* peer_handler, FilterTable<A>* filter_in); void configure_outbound_filter(PeerHandler* peer_handler, FilterTable<A>* filter_out); void reconfigure_filters(PeerHandler* peer_handler); const A& get_local_nexthop(const PeerHandler *peer_handler) const; /** * Is the peer directly connected and if it is return the common * subnet and the peer address. */ bool directly_connected(const PeerHandler *peer_handler, IPNet<A>& subnet, A& peer) const; list <RibInTable<A>*> ribin_list() const; map <PeerHandler*, RibInTable<A>* > _in_map; map <RibOutTable<A>*, PeerHandler*> _reverse_out_map; map <PeerHandler*, RibOutTable<A>*> _out_map; DecisionTable<A> *_decision_table; PolicyTableSourceMatch<A>* _policy_sourcematch_table; AggregationTable<A> *_aggregation_table; FanoutTable<A> *_fanout_table; RibInTable<A> *_ipc_rib_in_table; RibOutTable<A> *_ipc_rib_out_table; /* _tables is all the tables not covered above*/ set <BGPRouteTable<A>*> _tables; uint32_t _max_reader_token; map <uint32_t, RouteTableReader<A>*> _route_table_readers; bool _awaits_push; string _ribname; BGPPlumbing& _master; NextHopResolver<A>& _next_hop_resolver; }; /* * BGP plumbing is the class that sets up all the BGP route tables, * from RIB-In to RIB-Out, plus everything in between. */ class RibIpcHandler; class BGPPlumbing { public: BGPPlumbing(const Safi safi, RibIpcHandler* rib_handler, AggregationHandler* aggr_handler, NextHopResolver<IPv4>&, NextHopResolver<IPv6>&, PolicyFilters&, BGPMain& bgp); int add_peering(PeerHandler* peer_handler); int stop_peering(PeerHandler* peer_handler); int peering_went_down(PeerHandler* peer_handler); int peering_came_up(PeerHandler* peer_handler); int delete_peering(PeerHandler* peer_handler); void flush(PeerHandler* peer_handler); int add_route(const InternalMessage<IPv4> &rtmsg, PeerHandler* peer_handler); int add_route(const InternalMessage<IPv6> &rtmsg, PeerHandler* peer_handler); int delete_route(const InternalMessage<IPv4> &rtmsg, PeerHandler* peer_handler); int delete_route(const InternalMessage<IPv6> &rtmsg, PeerHandler* peer_handler); int delete_route(const IPNet<IPv4> &net, PeerHandler* peer_handler); int delete_route(const IPNet<IPv6> &net, PeerHandler* peer_handler); template<class A> void push(PeerHandler* peer_handler); void output_no_longer_busy(PeerHandler* peer_handler); const SubnetRoute<IPv4>* lookup_route(const IPNet<IPv4> &net) const; const SubnetRoute<IPv6>* lookup_route(const IPNet<IPv6> &net) const; /** * @return the number of prefixes in the RIB-IN. */ uint32_t get_prefix_count(const PeerHandler* peer_handler); RibIpcHandler *rib_handler() const {return _rib_handler;} AggregationHandler *aggr_handler() const {return _aggr_handler;} BGPPlumbingAF<IPv4>& plumbing_ipv4() { return _plumbing_ipv4; } BGPPlumbingAF<IPv6>& plumbing_ipv6() { return _plumbing_ipv6; } template <typename A> uint32_t create_route_table_reader(const IPNet<A>& prefix); bool read_next_route(uint32_t token, const SubnetRoute<IPv4>*& route, IPv4& peer_id); bool read_next_route(uint32_t token, const SubnetRoute<IPv6>*& route, IPv4& peer_id); /** * Get the status of the Plumbing * * @param reason the human-readable reason for any failure * * @return false if Plumbing has suffered a fatal error, * true otherwise */ bool status(string& reason) const; /** * @return Safi of this plumb. */ Safi safi() const {return _safi;} /** * @return Reference to the main bgp class. */ BGPMain& main() const { return _bgp; } /** * Push routes through policy filters for re-filtering. */ void push_routes(); PolicyFilters& policy_filters() { return _policy_filters; } private: RibIpcHandler *_rib_handler; AggregationHandler *_aggr_handler; NextHopResolver<IPv4>& _next_hop_resolver_ipv4; NextHopResolver<IPv6>& _next_hop_resolver_ipv6; const Safi _safi; PolicyFilters& _policy_filters; BGPPlumbingAF<IPv4> _plumbing_ipv4; BGPPlumbingAF<IPv6> _plumbing_ipv6; BGPMain &_bgp; }; #endif // __BGP_PLUMBING_HH__