Source: ../../libfeaclient/ifmgr_cmd_queue.hh

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// Copyright (c) 2001-2004 International Computer Science Institute
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// $XORP: xorp/libfeaclient/ifmgr_cmd_queue.hh,v 1.8 2004/06/10 22:41:02 hodson Exp $

#ifndef __IFMGR_CMD_QUEUE_HH__
#define __IFMGR_CMD_QUEUE_HH__

#include <list>
#include "libxorp/ref_ptr.hh"

class IfMgrCommandBase;

class IfMgrIfTree;
class IfMgrIfAtom;
class IfMgrVifAtom;
class IfMgrIPv4Atom;
class IfMgrIPv6Atom;

 * @short Base class for command sinks.
class IfMgrCommandSinkBase {
    typedef ref_ptr<IfMgrCommandBase> Cmd;
    virtual void push(const Cmd& cmd) = 0;
    virtual ~IfMgrCommandSinkBase();

 * @short 2-way IfMgr Command Tee.
 * Instances push commands pushed into them into two object derived
 * from @ref IfMgrCommandSinkBase.
class IfMgrCommandTee : public IfMgrCommandSinkBase {
    typedef IfMgrCommandSinkBase::Cmd Cmd;

    IfMgrCommandTee(IfMgrCommandSinkBase& o1, IfMgrCommandSinkBase& o2);
    void push(const Cmd& cmd);

    IfMgrCommandSinkBase& _o1;
    IfMgrCommandSinkBase& _o2;

 * @short N-way IfMgr Command Tee.
 * Instances push commands pushed into them into multiple objects derived
 * from @ref IfMgrCommandSinkBase.
template <typename SinkType = IfMgrCommandSinkBase>
class IfMgrNWayCommandTee : public IfMgrCommandSinkBase {
    typedef IfMgrCommandSinkBase::Cmd Cmd;
    typedef list<SinkType*> SinkList;

    void push(const Cmd& cmd);

     * Add an additional output for pushed commands.
     * @param sink receiver for commands pushed into instance.
     * @return true if sink is successfully added, false otherwise.
    bool add_sink(SinkType* sink);

     * Remove an sink for pushed commands.
     * @param sink receiver for commands pushed into instance.
     * @return true if sink is successfully remove, false otherwise.
    bool remove_sink(SinkType* sink);

    SinkList _sinks;

template <typename SinkType>
IfMgrNWayCommandTee<SinkType>::push(const Cmd& cmd)
    typename SinkList::iterator i;
    for (i = _sinks.begin(); i != _sinks.end(); ++i) {

template <typename SinkType>
IfMgrNWayCommandTee<SinkType>::add_sink(SinkType* o)
    if (find(_sinks.begin(), _sinks.end(), o) != _sinks.end())
	return false;
    return true;

template <typename SinkType>
IfMgrNWayCommandTee<SinkType>::remove_sink(SinkType* o)
    typename SinkList::iterator i = find(_sinks.begin(), _sinks.end(), o);
    if (i == _sinks.end())
	return false;
    return true;

 * @short Class to dispatch Interface Manager Commands.
 * This class buffers exactly one Interface Manager Command (@ref
 * IfMgrCommandBase) and applies it to an Interface Manager
 * Configuration Tree (@ref IfMgrIfTree) when it's execute() method is
 * called.
class IfMgrCommandDispatcher : public IfMgrCommandSinkBase {
    typedef IfMgrCommandSinkBase::Cmd Cmd;

     * Constructor
     * @param tree configuration tree to apply commands to.
    IfMgrCommandDispatcher(IfMgrIfTree& tree);

     * Push a command into local storage ready for execution.
    void push(const Cmd& cmd);

     * Execute command.
     * @return command return status (true indicates success, false failure).
    virtual bool execute();

    Cmd		 _cmd;
    IfMgrIfTree& _iftree;

 * @short Base class for Command Queue classes.
class IfMgrCommandQueueBase : public IfMgrCommandSinkBase {
    typedef IfMgrCommandSinkBase::Cmd Cmd;
     * Add an item to the queue.
    virtual void push(const Cmd& cmd) = 0;

     * @return true if queue has no items, false otherwise.
    virtual bool empty() const = 0;

     * Accessor for front item from queue.
     * @return reference to front item if queue is not empty, junk otherwise.
    virtual Cmd& front() = 0;

     * Accessor for front item from queue.
     * @return reference to front item if queue is not empty, junk otherwise.
    virtual const Cmd& front() const = 0;

     * Pop the front item from queue.
    virtual void pop_front() = 0;

 * @short FIFO Queue for command objects.
class IfMgrCommandFifoQueue : public IfMgrCommandQueueBase {
    typedef IfMgrCommandQueueBase::Cmd Cmd;

    void 	push(const Cmd& cmd);
    bool	empty() const;
    Cmd&	front();
    const Cmd&	front() const;
    void	pop_front();

    list<Cmd> _fifo;

 * @short Interface Command Clustering Queue.
 * This Queue attempts to cluster commands based on their interface
 * name.  Only command objects derived from IfMgrIfCommandBase may be
 * placed in the queue, command objects not falling in this category will
 * give rise to assertion failures.
class IfMgrCommandIfClusteringQueue : public IfMgrCommandQueueBase {
    typedef IfMgrCommandQueueBase::Cmd Cmd;
    typedef list<Cmd> CmdList;


    void 	push(const Cmd& cmd);
    bool	empty() const;
    Cmd&	front();
    const Cmd&	front() const;
    void	pop_front();

    void	change_active_interface();

    string		_current_ifname;	// ifname of commands current
    						// commands queue
    						// last command output
    CmdList		_future_cmds;		// commands with ifname not
						// matching _current_ifname
    CmdList		_current_cmds;

 * @short Class to convert an IfMgrIfTree object into a sequence of commands.
class IfMgrIfTreeToCommands {
     * Constructor
    inline IfMgrIfTreeToCommands(const IfMgrIfTree& tree)
	: _tree(tree)

     * Convert the entire contents of IfMgrIfTree object to a sequence of
     * configuration commands.
     * @param sink output target for commands that would generate tree.
    void convert(IfMgrCommandSinkBase& sink) const;

    const IfMgrIfTree& _tree;

 * @short Class to convert an IfMgrIfAtom object into a sequence of commands.
class IfMgrIfAtomToCommands {
     * Constructor
    inline IfMgrIfAtomToCommands(const IfMgrIfAtom& interface)
	: _i(interface)

     * Convert the entire contents of IfMgrIfTree object to a sequence of
     * configuration commands.
     * @param sink output target for commands that would generate
     * interface state.
    void convert(IfMgrCommandSinkBase& sink) const;

    const IfMgrIfAtom& _i;

 * @short Class to convert an IfMgrVifAtom object into a sequence of commands.
class IfMgrVifAtomToCommands {
     * Constructor
     * @param ifn the name of the interface the vif belongs to.
     * @param vif the vif to be converted into a sequence of commands.
    inline IfMgrVifAtomToCommands(const string& ifn, const IfMgrVifAtom& vif)
	: _ifn(ifn), _v(vif)

     * Convert the entire contents of IfMgrIfTree object to a sequence of
     * configuration commands.
     * @param sink output target for commands that would generate
     * virtual interface state.
    void convert(IfMgrCommandSinkBase& sink) const;

    const string&	_ifn;		// Interface name
    const IfMgrVifAtom&	_v;

 * @short Class to convert an IfMgrIPv4Atom object into a sequence of commands.
class IfMgrIPv4AtomToCommands {
     * Constructor
     * @param ifn the name of the interface the vif owning the address
     *            belongs to.
     * @param vifn the name of the vif owning the address.
     * @param a address atom to be converted into a sequence of commands.
    inline IfMgrIPv4AtomToCommands(const string& ifn,
				   const string& vifn,
				   const IfMgrIPv4Atom& a)
	: _ifn(ifn), _vifn(vifn), _a(a)

     * Convert the entire contents of IfMgrIfTree object to a sequence of
     * configuration commands.
     * @param sink output target for commands that would generate
     * interface state.
    void convert(IfMgrCommandSinkBase& sink) const;

    const string& _ifn;
    const string& _vifn;
    const IfMgrIPv4Atom& _a;

 * @short Class to convert an IfMgrIPv6Atom object into a sequence of commands.
class IfMgrIPv6AtomToCommands {
     * Constructor
     * @param ifn the name of the interface the vif owning the address
     *            belongs to.
     * @param vifn the name of the vif owning the address.
     * @param a address atom to be converted into a sequence of commands.
    inline IfMgrIPv6AtomToCommands(const string& ifn,
				   const string& vifn,
				   const IfMgrIPv6Atom& a)
	: _ifn(ifn), _vifn(vifn), _a(a)

     * Convert the entire contents of IfMgrIfTree object to a sequence of
     * configuration commands.
     * @param sink output target for commands that would generate
     * interface state.
    void convert(IfMgrCommandSinkBase& sink) const;

    const string&	 _ifn;
    const string&	 _vifn;
    const IfMgrIPv6Atom& _a;

#endif // __IFMGR_CMD_QUEUE_HH__

Generated by: pavlin on on Thu Jul 8 23:48:24 2004, using kdoc $.