Source: ../../fib2mrib/xrl_fib2mrib_node.hh

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// Copyright (c) 2001-2004 International Computer Science Institute
// Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a
// copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software")
// to deal in the Software without restriction, subject to the conditions
// listed in the XORP LICENSE file. These conditions include: you must
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// $XORP: xorp/fib2mrib/xrl_fib2mrib_node.hh,v 1.8 2004/06/10 22:41:01 hodson Exp $


// Fib2mrib XRL-aware node definition.

#include "libfeaclient/ifmgr_xrl_mirror.hh"

#include "xrl/interfaces/fti_xif.hh"
#include "xrl/interfaces/fea_fib_xif.hh"
#include "xrl/interfaces/rib_xif.hh"
#include "xrl/targets/fib2mrib_base.hh"

#include "fib2mrib_node.hh"

class XrlRouter;

// The top-level class that wraps-up everything together under one roof
class XrlFib2mribNode : public Fib2mribNode,
			public XrlFib2mribTargetBase {
    XrlFib2mribNode(EventLoop& eventloop,
		    XrlRouter* xrl_router,
		    const string& fea_target,
		    const string& rib_target);

     * Startup the node operation.
     * @return true on success, false on failure.
    bool	startup();

     * Shutdown the node operation.
     * @return true on success, false on failure.
    bool	shutdown();

    // XRL target methods

     *  Get name of Xrl Target
    XrlCmdError common_0_1_get_target_name(
	// Output values, 
	string&	name);

     *  Get version string from Xrl Target
    XrlCmdError common_0_1_get_version(
	// Output values, 
	string&	version);

     *  Get status of Xrl Target
    XrlCmdError common_0_1_get_status(
	// Output values, 
	uint32_t&	status, 
	string&	reason);

     *  Request clean shutdown of Xrl Target
    XrlCmdError common_0_1_shutdown();

     *  Add a route.
     *  @param network the network address prefix of the route to add.
     *  @param nexthop the address of the next-hop router toward the
     *  destination.
     *  @param ifname the name of the physical interface toward the
     *  destination.
     *  @param vifname the name of the virtual interface toward the
     *  destination.
     *  @param metric the routing metric toward the destination.
     *  @param admin_distance the administratively defined distance toward the
     *  destination.
     *  @param protocol_origin the name of the protocol that originated this
     *  route.
     *  @param xorp_route true if this route was installed by XORP.
    XrlCmdError fea_fib_client_0_1_add_route4(
	// Input values,
	const IPv4Net&	network,
	const IPv4&	nexthop,
	const string&	ifname,
	const string&	vifname,
	const uint32_t&	metric,
	const uint32_t&	admin_distance,
	const string&	protocol_origin,
	const bool&	xorp_route);

    XrlCmdError fea_fib_client_0_1_add_route6(
	// Input values,
	const IPv6Net&	network,
	const IPv6&	nexthop,
	const string&	ifname,
	const string&	vifname,
	const uint32_t&	metric,
	const uint32_t&	admin_distance,
	const string&	protocol_origin,
	const bool&	xorp_route);

     *  Replace a route.
     *  @param network the network address prefix of the route to replace.
     *  @param nexthop the address of the next-hop router toward the
     *  destination.
     *  @param ifname the name of the physical interface toward the
     *  destination.
     *  @param vifname the name of the virtual interface toward the
     *  destination.
     *  @param metric the routing metric toward the destination.
     *  @param admin_distance the administratively defined distance toward the
     *  destination.
     *  @param protocol_origin the name of the protocol that originated this
     *  route.
     *  @param xorp_route true if this route was installed by XORP.
    XrlCmdError fea_fib_client_0_1_replace_route4(
	// Input values,
	const IPv4Net&	network,
	const IPv4&	nexthop,
	const string&	ifname,
	const string&	vifname,
	const uint32_t&	metric,
	const uint32_t&	admin_distance,
	const string&	protocol_origin,
	const bool&	xorp_route);

    XrlCmdError fea_fib_client_0_1_replace_route6(
	// Input values,
	const IPv6Net&	network,
	const IPv6&	nexthop,
	const string&	ifname,
	const string&	vifname,
	const uint32_t&	metric,
	const uint32_t&	admin_distance,
	const string&	protocol_origin,
	const bool&	xorp_route);

     *  Delete a route.
     *  @param network the network address prefix of the route to delete.
     *  @param ifname the name of the physical interface toward the
     *  destination.
     *  @param vifname the name of the virtual interface toward the
    XrlCmdError fea_fib_client_0_1_delete_route4(
	// Input values,
	const IPv4Net&	network,
	const string&	ifname,
	const string&	vifname);

    XrlCmdError fea_fib_client_0_1_delete_route6(
	// Input values,
	const IPv6Net&	network,
	const string&	ifname,
	const string&	vifname);

     *  Enable/disable/start/stop Fib2mrib.
     *  @param enable if true, then enable Fib2mrib, otherwise disable it.
    XrlCmdError fib2mrib_0_1_enable_fib2mrib(
	// Input values,
	const bool&	enable);

    XrlCmdError fib2mrib_0_1_start_fib2mrib();

    XrlCmdError fib2mrib_0_1_stop_fib2mrib();

     *  Enable/disable the Fib2mrib trace log for all operations.
     *  @param enable if true, then enable the trace log, otherwise disable it.
    XrlCmdError fib2mrib_0_1_enable_log_trace_all(
	// Input values,
	const bool&	enable);


    bool ifmgr_startup();
    bool ifmgr_shutdown();

    const ServiceBase* ifmgr_mirror_service_base() const { return dynamic_cast<const ServiceBase*>(&_ifmgr); }
    const IfMgrIfTree& ifmgr_iftree() const { return _ifmgr.iftree(); }

    void fea_fib_client_register_startup();
    void fea_fib_client_register_shutdown();
    void rib_register_startup();
    void rib_register_shutdown();

     * Inform the RIB about a route change.
     * @param fib2mrib_route the route with the information about the change.
    void inform_rib_route_change(const Fib2mribRoute& fib2mrib_route);

     * Cancel a pending request to inform the RIB about a route change.
     * @param fib2mrib_route the route with the request that would be canceled.
    void cancel_rib_route_change(const Fib2mribRoute& fib2mrib_route);

    void send_rib_route_change();
    void send_rib_route_change_cb(const XrlError& xrl_error);

    void send_fea_fib_client_registration();
    void fea_fti_client_send_have_ipv4_cb(const XrlError& xrl_error,
					  const bool* result);
    void fea_fti_client_send_have_ipv6_cb(const XrlError& xrl_error,
					  const bool* result);
    void fea_fib_client_send_add_fib_client4_cb(const XrlError& xrl_error);
    void fea_fib_client_send_add_fib_client6_cb(const XrlError& xrl_error);
    void send_fea_fib_client_deregistration();
    void fea_fib_client_send_delete_fib_client4_cb(const XrlError& xrl_error);
    void fea_fib_client_send_delete_fib_client6_cb(const XrlError& xrl_error);

    void send_rib_registration();
    void rib_client_send_add_igp_table4_cb(const XrlError& xrl_error);
    void rib_client_send_add_igp_table6_cb(const XrlError& xrl_error);
    void send_rib_deregistration();
    void rib_client_send_delete_igp_table4_cb(const XrlError& xrl_error);
    void rib_client_send_delete_igp_table6_cb(const XrlError& xrl_error);

    const string& my_xrl_target_name() {
	return XrlFib2mribTargetBase::name();

    const string	_class_name;
    const string	_instance_name;
    XrlFtiV0p2Client	_xrl_fea_fti_client;
    XrlFeaFibV0p1Client	_xrl_fea_fib_client;
    XrlRibV0p1Client	_xrl_rib_client;
    const string	_fea_target;
    const string	_rib_target;
    IfMgrXrlMirror	_ifmgr;

    list<Fib2mribRoute>	_inform_rib_queue;
    XorpTimer		_inform_rib_queue_timer;
    bool		_is_fea_have_ipv4_tested;
    bool		_is_fea_have_ipv6_tested;
    bool		_fea_have_ipv4;
    bool		_fea_have_ipv6;
    bool		_is_fea_fib_client4_registered;
    bool		_is_fea_fib_client6_registered;
    XorpTimer		_fea_fib_client_registration_timer;
    bool		_is_rib_igp_table4_registered;
    bool		_is_rib_igp_table6_registered;
    XorpTimer		_rib_igp_table_registration_timer;


Generated by: pavlin on on Thu Jul 8 23:48:35 2004, using kdoc $.