$ ! $ ! "Makefile" for VMS versions of UnZip and ZipInfo $ ! (version: GNU C) $ ! $ ! Find out current disk and directory $ ! $ my_name = f$env("procedure") $ here = f$parse(my_name,,,"device") + f$parse(my_name,,,"directory") $ set verify ! like "echo on", eh? $ ! $ ! Do UnZip: $ ! (for decryption version, add /def=CRYPT to each of following lines, $ ! uncomment crypt compile line, and add crypt to link line) $ ! $ gcc unzip $ gcc envargs $ gcc explode $ gcc extract $ gcc file_io $ gcc inflate $ gcc mapname $ gcc match $ gcc misc $ gcc unreduce $ gcc unshrink $ gcc vms $! gcc crypt $ link unzip, envargs, explode, extract, file_io, inflate, mapname,- match, misc, unreduce, unshrink, vms, gnu_cc:[000000]gcclib.olb/lib,- sys$input:/opt sys$share:vaxcrtl.exe/shareable $ ! $ ! Do ZipInfo: $ ! $ gcc zipinfo $ gcc /def=(ZIPINFO) /object=misc_.obj misc $ gcc /def=(ZIPINFO) /object=vms_.obj vms $ link zipinfo, envargs, match, misc_, vms_, gnu_cc:[000000]gcclib.olb/lib,- sys$input:/opt sys$share:vaxcrtl.exe/shareable $ ! $ ! Next line: put a similar line (full pathname for unzip.exe and zipinfo.exe) $ ! in login.com. Remember to include the leading "$" before disk name. $ ! $ unzip == "$''here'unzip.exe" ! set up symbol to use unzip $ zipinfo == "$''here'zipinfo.exe" ! set up symbol to use zipinfo $ ! $ set noverify