File README for: portable UnZip (zipfile extraction utility), version 5.0p1 unz50p1.zoo same as above, but ZOO format unz50p1.tar.Z same as above, but compressed tar format A public distribution version of the Info-ZIP project's generic UnZip utility; 10 January 1993. __________________________________________________________________________ BEFORE YOU ASK: UnZip, its companion utility Zip, and related utilities and support files can be found in many places; read the file "Where" for further details. To contact the authors with suggestions, bug reports, or fixes, continue reading this file (README) and the file "ZipRules". For a list of known bugs and possible future features, read "BUGS". And for a commented listing of the files included in the source distribution, read "Contents" in said distribution. ALSO NOTE: Info-ZIP's mailing addresses have changed! The most important one: zip-bugs@wkuvx1.bitnet (or, for those without a direct Bitnet connection). See below for other addresses. __________________________________________________________________________ This version of UnZip has been ported to a wide array of hardware--from micros to supercomputers--and operating systems: Unix (many flavors), VMS, OS/2, Minix, MSDOS, Windows, NT, Amiga (partially) and Macintosh. [The current 5.1 beta has additionally been ported to TOPS-20 and Atari TOS, and the Amiga port has been completed.] Although highly compatible with PKWARE's PKZIP and PKUNZIP utilities of MSDOS fame, our primary ob- jective has been one of portability and other-than-MSDOS functionality. Features not found in the PKWare version include default extraction of directory trees (with a switch to defeat this, rather than the other way around); VMS, Macintosh and OS/2 extended file attributes; and, of course, the ability to run under most of your favorite operating systems. See the main Contents file for a list of what's included. The individual OS Contents files (e.g., VMS/Contents) may list important compilation info in addition to explaining what files are what, so be sure to read them if you're not compiling under Unix. New features in this version include support for deflation (the new, high- performance compression method introduced in the PKZIP 1.93a beta); much faster decompression; relaxed copyright restrictions, due to rewritten code (see COPYING for details); multiple password guessing, for encrypted zipfiles; support for options stored in an environment variable, to change the default behavior; and a new Unix filter version of UnZip called FUnZip. Many bugs were fixed as well. The History file details the changes, and BUGS indicates the ones we haven't nailed just yet. :-) See unzip.1 or unzip.doc for usage (or zipinfo.1/zipinfo.doc for ZipInfo usage, or funzip.1/funzip.doc--do you sense a pattern here?--for FUnZip usage). Unfortunately the VMS versions of these documents are out of date now; we hope to correct this some day. :-) All bug reports and patches (context diffs only, please!) should go to zip-bugs@wkuvx1.bitnet, and suggestions for new features can be sent to info-zip@wkuvx1.bitnet (although we don't promise to use all suggestions). If it's something which is manifestly useful, sending the required patches to zip-bugs directly is likely to produce a quicker response than asking us to do it. Those directly responsible for updating the code are very short on time these days. If you're considering a port, however, please check in with Info-ZIP FIRST, since the code is constantly being updated behind the scenes. We'll arrange to send you the latest source. The alternative is the possibility that your hard work will be tucked away in a sub-archive and pretty much ignored. If you'd like to keep up to date with our UnZip (and companion Zip utility) development, join the ranks of BETA testers, add your own thoughts and con- tributions, etc., send a two-line mail message containing the commands HELP and LIST (on separate lines in the body of the message, not on the subject line) to listserv@wkuvx1.bitnet. You'll receive two messages listing the various Info-ZIP mailing-list formats which are available (and also various unrelated lists) and instructions on how to subscribe to one or more of them (courtesy of Hunter Goatley). Greg Roelofs (Cave Newt), UnZip maintainer, with inspiration from David Kirschbaum