# From: Richard A Seay , 4 Apr 92 # # I successfully compiled both Zip and UnZip for MSDOS using the Microsoft # Quick C 2.0 compiler and linker. Here are the NMAKE files that I used. PROJ =UNZIP CC =qcl CFLAGS = /AS /W1 /Za /Olt LFLAGS = /NOI /E OBJS_EXT = LIBS_EXT = all: $(PROJ).exe unzip.obj: unzip.c unzip.h envargs.obj: envargs.c unzip.h explode.obj: explode.c unzip.h extract.obj: extract.c unzip.h file_io.obj: file_io.c unzip.h inflate.obj: inflate.c unzip.h mapname.obj: mapname.c unzip.h match.obj: match.c unzip.h misc.obj: misc.c unzip.h unreduce.obj: unreduce.c unzip.h unshrink.obj: unshrink.c unzip.h $(PROJ).exe: unzip.obj envargs.obj explode.obj extract.obj file_io.obj\ inflate.obj mapname.obj match.obj misc.obj unreduce.obj unshrink.obj\ $(OBJS_EXT) echo >NUL @<<$(PROJ).crf unzip.obj + envargs.obj + explode.obj + extract.obj + file_io.obj + inflate.obj + mapname.obj + match.obj + misc.obj + unreduce.obj + unshrink.obj + $(OBJS_EXT) $(PROJ).exe $(LIBS_EXT); << link $(LFLAGS) @$(PROJ).crf del $(PROJ).crf