# This MPW makefile is designed to be used to compile an MPW version # of unzip using the MPW C compiler, version 3.2. Simply rename # this file as unzip.make and do an MPW build. # File: unzip.make # Target: Unzip # Sources: unzip.c # crypt.c # envargs.c # explode.c # extract.c # file_io.c # inflate.c # macfile.c # macstat.c # mapname.c # match.c # misc.c # unreduce.c # unshrink.c # Created: Friday, May 9, 1992 9:00:00 PM CFLAGS = -d MPW # -d CRYPT LFLAGS = -m .c.o Ä .c unzip.h unzip.make C {CFLAGS} {Default}.c OBJECTS = ¶ unzip.c.o ¶ # crypt.c.o ¶ envargs.c.o ¶ explode.c.o ¶ extract.c.o ¶ file_io.c.o ¶ inflate.c.o ¶ macfile.c.o ¶ macstat.c.o ¶ mapname.c.o ¶ match.c.o ¶ misc.c.o ¶ unreduce.c.o ¶ unshrink.c.o Unzip Ä {OBJECTS} unzip.r Link -d -c 'MPS ' -t MPST ¶ {OBJECTS} ¶ "{CLibraries}"StdClib.o ¶ "{Libraries}"Stubs.o ¶ "{Libraries}"Runtime.o ¶ "{Libraries}"Interface.o ¶ -o Unzip rez -append -o Unzip unzip.r unzip.r Ä unzip.thinkc.rsrc derez unzip.thinkc.rsrc > unzip.r