Contents of the ATARI sub-archive for UnZip 4.1: Contents this file AtariST.pat patches to UnZip 4.1 for Atari ST Mark Williams makefile for Turbo C compiler makeit simple command script to make UnZip README.src notes from Martin Schulz on his patches tc.cfg Turbo C general configuration file for UnZip (binary) unzip.lnk referred to as "TLINK.OPT" in notes?? unzip.prj Turbo C project file for UnZip All material in this sub-archive was provided by Martin Schulz. Unfortunately, his patches against v4.1 arrived just as v4.2 was released as a final "feature-freeze" beta, too late to incorporate. Since the files for UnZip have changed considerably between ver- sions--in particular, unzip.c, extract.c and file_io.c--the patches provided here will fail miserably. We will, however, see what we can do to incorporate most of them before v5.0. The non-Atari patches mentioned in Martin's readme file are not included here. Both the Unix blanks patch and the symbolic links patches are no longer necessary (actually, there is a bug in the existing symbolic links code--it won't do compressed links properly --but this is a rare problem); the optimization patch is on hold but will probably be incorporated in v5.0 as well, assuming it doesn't break any other systems.