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Re: [usb] USB Transceiver
i saw ur thesis document. I m unable to understand the way you
interconnect components.you connected components as follows
transmitter1: transmitter port map
send_eop,vpo,vmo, out_byte_sent);
receiver1: receiver port map(rst,fast_clk,rcv,mult_select,
enable_receiver, quick_enable, output,
byte_received,PID_type, endpoint_num, continue, handshake_pak,
setup_transaction, address, clk);
but what i read in the books or tutorials the way to inter connect the
components are
its just an example from a code
c1: comb port map(a=>a,c-in=>s1,b=>b,z=>z,carry=>s2);
sir kindly describe us how you interconnected components and is there
any state diagram you design statemachine of controller if any plz if it is
feasible for you to mail us thanx
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