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[pci] Problem synthesizing PCI IP core

Hi all, 

I am new to both PCI and verilog.  I seem to face the same issue as 
Charles and hope u guys can help me out. I have tried compiling the 
codes (from the folder pci\rtl\verilog) using FPGA express.  I have also 
included the files glbl.v and RAMB4_S16_S16.v.  The error from the 
compilation is:

Error: syntax error at or near token 'tri0' 

which is basically in  line 83 of RAMB4_S16_S16.v (tri0 GSR = glbl.GSR;)

Any idea on how to overcome the problem?

FYI, I have also made the following changes to the PCI_user_constant.v 

defined FPGA and XILINX 

Am i doing it right? Did I miss out some steps?  Are there any more files 
that should be included for the synthesis to be successful?  Please 
advice.  TIA.

P.S: I intend to progarm the core to a Insight Memec Spartan-II 200 PCI 
Developement Board.  


----- Original Message ----- 
From: cfk <cfk@p... > 
To: pci@o...  
Date: Sat, 18 May 2002 11:49:45 -0700 
Subject: Re: [pci] first day with Modelsim 

> Dear Bill: 
>     I will try the commenting in system.v out the 
> transaction_ordering (line 
> 862) and target_completion_expiration (line 864-866) tasks and 
> display 
> statements today along with redefining some of my constants in 
> pci_user_constants.v. I am hoping that I can keep FPGA and XILINX 
> commented 
> out for the simulation, but will change my bridge from GUEST to 
> HOST. 
>     That actually brings up a couple of questions. The first is 
> "What do we 
> mean to run a GUEST simulation to completion" on a bridge defined 
> as a HOST. 
> Does this mean there is an additional constant or two in the bench 
> directory 
> that have to be manipulated, or that there is a special run of 
> SYSTEM other 
> then" 
>     "restart -f" 
>     "run -a" 
> Perhaps one of my real areas of non-comprehension is the 
> implication of 
> defining this as a HOST versus GUEST bridge. In the actual hardware 
> I am 
> designing, I will be loading this bridge (be it HOST or GUEST, I 
> don't know 
> which yet) into a VirtexE. Then, building a small board to provide 
> a PCI 
> interface connector to a PCI ad-on card that contains an interface 
> that 
> normally plugs into a PC. This means that I have to provide PCICLK, 
> RST, 
> arbitration, and deal with IDSEL issues (we can forget about the 
> INTA issue, 
> as I have a way around as long as I can allow either the PCI-WB 
> bridge or my 
> board to be a master and perform memory writes/reads across the PCI 
> bus. 
> On the RAMB4_S16_S16, I did spend some time yesterday updating 
> Modelsim 
> libraries so they can at least find the RAMB4 module as defined in 
> the 
> PCI-WB bridge files wb_tpram.v and pci_tpram.v, but when I try to 
> load the 
> simulation, I get an unresolved reference to glbl in GSR.glbl. I 
> did then 
> follow the ap note at Xilinx regarding adding glbl.v to the project 
> and 
> recompiling so the GSR (GlobalSetReset) signal was resolved to no 
> avail. So 
> until I can understand that one, I am forced to try to work the 
> simulation 
> with just generic RAM defined as I try to get to my next level of 
> understanding with the bridge code. 
> p.s. We can certainly carry on a private conversation, but I am 
> suspecting 
> that some of the issues we might discuss here might help others 
> along their 
> path to understanding. 
> Charles Krinke 
> http://home.pacbell.net/cfk 
> ----- Original Message ----- 
> From: <ctc-dsl@p... > 
> To: <pci@o... > 
> Sent: Friday, May 17, 2002 8:18 PM 
> Subject: Re: [pci] first day with Modelsim 
> > I recently managed to get Modelsim XE Starter 5.5e 
> > to run a GUEST simulation to completion in 30+ 
> > hours by making the following changes in two files. 
> > 
> > In system.v -- comment out lines 862 & 864-866 
> > If you don't, you'll find pci_tb.log stops growing 
> > during the first hour or so as a two-word read 
> > is retried over and over and over. 
> > 
> > In pci_user_constants.v 
> >   -- uncomment line 66 (FPGA) 
> >   -- uncomment line 67 (XILINX) 
> >   -- uncomment line 95 (GUEST) 
> >   -- comment line 96 (HOST) 
> > 
> > My pci_tb.log for the run ends saying 
> > Tests performed: 27,700 
> > Failed tests: 0 
> > Successful tests: 27,700 
> > 
> > If you need more details, 
> > you may contact me directly 
> > at ctc-dsl@p...  
> > 
> > Bill Siegmund 
> > Cal-Tex Computers, Inc. 
> > 
> > P.S. 
> > You should have a copy of 
> > RAMB4_S16_S16.v in your 
> > Xilinx\verilog\src\unisims 
> > directory. 
> > 
> > 
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