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Re: [fpu] FPU operations

--- Damjan Lampret <damjanlampret@yahoo.com> wrote:
> > operations, but what about all status and control
> > registers? I'll put all of them internallay in the
> > but we need to define a method to access them
> > 
> Signals representing status bits should be
> registered outputs of FPU.
> It is up to FPU's boss (OR1K for example) to check
> and act accordingly
> (generate exceptions if necessary etc.). OR1K has
> its own instructions
> to operate over special purpose registers.
> --damjan
I am not sure if this is going to work, The exceptions
should be generated from the FPU (interrupt) and all
other registers, unless you want to provide a signal
interface for each exception, mask , compare.....

Jamil Khatib

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