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Re: [fpu] pipelines & control

--- Jamil Khatib <jamilkhatib75@yahoo.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> How do you suggest to use the piplined fpu blocks and
> how to control everything via OR1K or without it?

I suggest most of the FPU is controlled by OR1K. If something doesn't
require OR1K help then it should be done automatically inside FPU.

> The pipelines will work fine if all instructions use
> the same execution unit but they will be wasted if we
> got instructions the use different execution units, do
> you have any comment on that?

Not sure what you mean. If you mean that not all executions units will
be used then this is obvious since you can't always issue as much
instructions as you have execution units.

> Regarding the other instruction ( not basic) like
> trigonometric, logarithmeic functions .... do you
> suggest to implement them using the basic execution
> units (micro programmed)?

I don't know. Do you think we need them? I think for a start these
could be first emulated in software with the help of basic FP


PS1 I found out that PentiumIII/Athlon has 4/1 FP pipeline depth for FP
ADD/MUL. 4/1 means latency/throughput.
PS2 There was a bit of debate about SNANs/QNANs. This is mentioned in
Motorola's ALtiVec (since it also supports single precision FP data
types). See:

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