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Re: [fpu] Add/Sub Unit Test Vectors

> From: Jamil Khatib <jamilkhatib75@yahoo.com> 
> Subject: Re: [fpu] Add/Sub Unit Test Vectors 
> > Actually Rudi wrote HTML page and it is in CVS. But
> > since you were the last
> > one making changes on FPU web pages we decided to
> > wait for you and decide
> > together whether fasu is a separate project/core or
> > it should become part of
> > the "FPU" project. 
> I think it should be.

You can not answer a OR question with a "yes" ! ;*)

Which one do you think it should be ?
	a) part of the fpu project
	b) separate core

> Do you think that c program is suitable for generating
> test vecotrs? I am not sure if the core is written
> inverilog. I know in that I VHDL you have to write a
> test bench and supply the test vectors and since these
> vectors have different operations and large values we
> should build a simple method "may be generic for all
> projects" that can be used in the verifications either
> in C or perl or any other language. 

1) The core is written in Verilog

2) The goal was to have a C program that generates simple test
vectors that should be useful for floating point cores. I am
not familiar with VHDL, but in Verilog you can fill a memory
structure from an external file. The idea was for the C program
to spit out the following output:

 operation | operand | operand | expected    | expected 
 type 3:0  | a 31:0  | b 31:0  | result 31:0 | exceptions
           |         |         |             | INF,NAN,DIV0 

Each line would have the above format, the operands and the
expected result would be in IEEE single precision format.
The test bench can read in a file with the above information
and apply/verify the device under test.

There will be as many lines as the user requested from the C
program. Each line is one test vector.
> This method should take some simple and human readable
> commands and numbers then generate the vecorts based
> on it.

The C program will take a number of commands and generate test
vectors base on those commands.

> "I tried to make small vhdl functions that converts
> from readable numbers to IEEE std floating bits but I
> do not know if it has any use"

I think this is not necessary. If an error is detected, then I
have to "decode" and understand the floating point numbers and
their format no matter if they are presented in the "readable"
format or not ...

> Further we can compare results from both the c
> language  that runs on IEEE CPU and the simulation
> output.

Exactly ! That's why we wanted to have a C program that generates
the test vectors.

> Could you explain more about how do you interface teh
> C code to the HDL code in your approach?

As already mentioned above, I will fill a memory structure with the
information from the file. I will use the $readmem verilog system task
to do that ...

> I do not agree with you on that at least for teh first
> step, I prefere to make it generic more toward FPGA
> then after veryfing its functionality we can start the
> next optimization phase.

The code that I'm writing (see fasu.v in CVS) is very general code.
Even though Damjan is targeting standard cell for the first implementation,
you can take the code and run it through FPGA Compiler and target your
favorite FPGA. There is nothing that will prevent you from implementing
the core in an FPGA.

One important side note: The core that I have written and the once I
will still write, are designed with high performance in mind. Meaning
that emphasis has been applied on performance not on area. All cores
will have a 4 stage pipeline, and will be able to perform an floating
point operation every cycle. this might not be the best choice for an
FPGA implementation, if you are area limited and not to concerned about
performance. Perhaps, later, I will design additional cores, that are
very small but slow ...

> In fact I start drawing some block diagrams some time
> ago I'll continue these days and I'll write my project
> definition according to the project template I sent
> few  weeks ago but I did not get any comment.
> there are many people ask for a start point for new
> projects but they do not have any guidness so we
> should agree on some project template and give it high
> priority

I think you should be careful with project templates etc. This entire
site and it's projects are based on people devoting their free time to
contribute IP cores. You should let everybody work in a way s/he is most
productive. Project templates are for large companies and manages who don't
know what they are doing - I've been in to many big name companies with
clueless managers. If you don't like the style of any submitted core, you
can repackage and resubmit it again !

Cheers !