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¦^«H¡G [openrisc] Re: ¦^«H¡G [openrisc] insn decoder and COFF loader

1. fetch: h.2byteinsn  +  h.branch
2. fetch: h.2byteinsn + h.nop

In this case we have a nop that will never be executed and is just taking
code space.
Not really!!! Of course, our link register should point to the location
of h.nop, so we don't need to worry about wasting code space.

1. fetch: h.branch + h.2byteinsn
2. fetch: one or two insn following branch

Do we fetch insns in fetch 2 or not? Delay slot insn is already fetched
together with branch.
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ In fact, neither code space nor performance
is wasted here. The link register still point to 2

1. fetch: h.branch + first part of h.4byteinsn
2. fetch: second part of previous 4 byte insn + (h.2byteinsn or first part
of h.4byteinsn)

Isn't this getting complicated. This is becoming CISC machine with so
complicated fetching.
^^^^^^^^^ That's what I mean at designing OR1601. Insn fetching is quite
tricky with h.bf(2byte) and h.jal(4byte). I need time to fix it.
Otherwise, I need two tag memories at this version.
Also in the beginning when there was only one instruction set the meaning of
prefix was to distinguish between 2 and 4 byte insn. Noe when we have OR32
all insns in OR32 are 4 byte (so prefix is more or less meaningless) and in
OR16 all insns have h. prefix but a lot of insns are 4 byte. Should we fix
this or leave l. and h. prefixes to distinguis between OR16 and OR32? In
fact I don't see why we would need to distinguish between OR16 and OR32 code
since it will never be mixed together.
^^^^^^^^^ YES, we could let the 4byte insn named with prefix l.xxx if it
helps us clarify this.

> As to my point of view,
> I prefer only one insn in delay slot and the insn is only 2-byte wide in

I like this also. But what happens in case 1 (see above). You have a nop
after your 2byteinsn in the delay slot. Is this ok?
^^ Refer to what I siad in case 1.

Jimmy, you said you wouldn't have branch delay slots. Is this still valid
offer? ;-)
^^^^^^^^^^ NO!!! no delay slot has been fired long ago :)
Best regards, Jimmy