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[openip] Application for membership of Opencores (regarding firewire)

Ladies and Gentlemen.

I want to apply for a membership of your organisation. I am a student 
of Microsystems Technology in the 8th semester at the University Of 
Applied Sciences in Furtwangen, Germany (Black Forrest). I already 
worked in a company that produces ASICs for 6 month. I developed a 
GPIO-module (General Purpose Input/Output) for an ASIC. There I used 
tools like Modelsim, Synopsys (Design Analyzer etc.) and Cadence-
Tools. We also have the same tools at our University. 
I want to sum up the experiences I gained:

	- HDL coding in VHDL (GPIO and smaller modules)
	- Simulation of modules (Modelsim and C++) 
	- Basics for Gate-Level simulation
	- Synthesis (no layout!) with Synopsys
	- MemBIST insertion with VisionLogic tools
	- Xilinx Foundation environment for synthesis on FPGAs

I know that I am still a Newbee, but I want you to support your 
projects as much as I can. I like the idea of free IP because it helps 
to fasten the development of brilliant ideas in silicon. 

I would like to work in the FireWire-project. I tried to do develop a 
link layer for a computer keyboard/mouse. So I already started with 
collection informations about it. That is, why I also found your page.

I hope that there is a need for me and I also hope that I may work 
with your group.
I'm looking forward to your answer.


	Matthias Walther (student from Furtwangen, Germany)

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