I'm reading the source code FPU which 's downloaded
from www.opencores.org
I have trouble with this . In the file pre_norm_fmul.v at line 99-103
assign {co2,exp_tmp2} = op_div ? ({co1,exp_tmp1} +
8'h7f) : ({co1,exp_tmp1} - 8'h7f);
assign exp_tmp3 = exp_tmp2 + 1;
assign exp_tmp4 = 8'h7f - exp_tmp1; assign exp_tmp5 = op_div ? (exp_tmp4+1) : (exp_tmp4-1); I don't know why we have to plus 8'h7f with
{co1,exp_tmp1} when division and subtract {co1,exp_tmp1} with
If everyone have any idea about this trouble ,
please send them for me.
All your helps will be appreciated.
Your sincerely,