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[ethmac] 10M endec 7-wire inetrface? (fwd)

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Fri, 23 Nov 2001 15:47:39 +0800
From: Shawn <syen@accfast.com.tw>
To: owner-ethmac@opencores.org
Subject: 10M endec 7-wire inetrface?

  I am new in ethernet.
Does anyone know what is the 10M endec 7-wire inetrface?
Does it needed in MAC ?

Shawn Yen (顏國欣)
R&D Division
AccFast Technology Corp.(Chinese : 勁取科技股份有限公司)
1F, No. 38, Industry E. Road 4,
Science-Based Industrial Park,
Hsinchu, Taiwan 300, R.O.C(Chinese: 新竹市科學園區工業東四路38號1F)
Phone:   +  886- 3-6662756 ext. 1017
Email:	syen@accfast.com.tw 

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