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[oc] [Fwd: Re: [admin] LXT441 Deprecated by Intel(LevelOne)]

Intel(Level One) has announce that the single chip solution to build a
 DSU/CSU is being eliminated (LXT441). Does anyone know of a solution,
short of
 a custom ASIC, PLD or FPGA? Any pointers or ideas would be appreciated!
 Cost effective solutions are most welcome, and should be Open Licensed, 
if somebody needs to build a replacement solution. I just had a chip
offer me very old chips for $38.50(USD) each, in quantity 100. I just
want about (10) 
to build something to test a theory with.

Here's my idea, I'll design this solution and open source it! However,
I have a few issues I'll need help with. I have experience with firmware
both in assembler and C, and can use Protel or Orcad to layout boards.

However, I got drunk in school (BSEE, MSCS), when I took the VLSI design
class, too busy, chasing young females around.....

So, I'll need somebody to
1. Architect what device (FPGA, PLD, etc.) I should use, and what tools
to use. I have money, so I can purchase (within reason) tools and
development boards as necessary. Also, I'm pretty good at borrow things
form Chip vendors, FAE's and all sort of 
entities with expensive tools.

2. Offer me encouragement( and ideas), when  I get stuck.

3. Any takers? I've always wanted to do this sort of stuff, but, I never
got around
to it. NOW that I have TIME, reasonable resources, and MOTIVATION, maybe
it's time
I contribute (to open cores)?

Comments, suggestions and ideas are most welcome. I do not subscribe to
this group,
so direct email would be most effective.

PS, the chase was successful, judging by the number of kids that hangout
in my house.....

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