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[oc] FPGA with free tools?


I am looking for an FPGA.  The goal of the project is to provide a
low-cost platform for people to get started on programmable logic.

Now while free (as in beer and speech) VHDL synthesis software seems
to be available under Linux, the situation looks much worse for actual
FPGA fitting and configuration bitstream generation.  Currently, the
only chance I see is using the free-as-in-beer, closed-source,
windows-only tools provided by the manufacturers (Quartus II Web
Edition, ISE WebPACK, etc.).

Of course, this is not very satisfying.  So if anybody knows of an
FPGA vendor that provides either a free fitting tool for Linux, or
even better bitstream documentation so that I can start writing my own
fitter[0], please let me know.  The FPGA should be big enough to hold a
small CPU, something in the order of a FLEX10K30 or bigger.


[0] Yes, I know what this involves, but consider a good-enough version

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