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Re: [oc] Altera MAx + plus II software?
Hi everybody!
Thank you for your responds to my problem with programming EPM7128SCL84
devise. There was a strange situation while programming:
MAX + II plus software didn't recognize any chip in socket.
With a small program I tried to generate JTAG signals on LPT port connected
to the devise(all VCCINT,VCCIO = 5V). The voltage on the TDI input was 0 V
while programming. I changed chip the situation was the same. I tried to
program EPM7064SCL44 the situation was the same too. Is it mysticism??? I
think no! It means only that chips are damaged (TDI input). It is strange,
because I bought them from local store lately. Now I dig in Altera's
datasheets and application notes to find out if electrostatic charge is
dangerous for these chips.
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