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[oc] EDA tool and help

Hi all,

I started an EDA tool some time ago. It's name is Gael

The goal is to have a full EDA tool for Gnome with new ideas.
The choice of gnome has been made in order to use and provide components
that could be embedded in sheets, reports and so on.

Gael is under heavy developpement. Oregano was something I had in mind
when I started, but since his developper told me he wanted to restart it
from scratch but didn't had the time to I keeped on working on gael and
we do share ideas.

Although I did my studies in electronics I'm lacking a strong electronic
background to forsee what is needed for such a tool.

Therefore I post this mail to welcome anyone who would share his whishes
and ideas with me and explain tham to me.

Thanks for your help,

 Xavier Ordoquy, Aurora-linux
 "The software said 'runs on Win95 or better,' so I installed it on

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