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RE: [oc] hello

 A buffer is normally just a section of memory used to connect two systems of differing speeds. FIFOs are probably the
most common, data is put into the buffer and taken out in the same sequence. Imagine a buffer like a queue at a doctor's
office, people come in at varying speeds, take a number and sit down. When the doctor is available the next number is
called out and they can then see the doctor. The patients arrive at varying speed but the doctor sees them in sequence
and at his own speed. Best analogy I've got.
A cache keeps copys of commonly requested items. A disk cache is the most common example. When data is requested
from the drive the cache unit passes on the data but keeps its own copy local to itself. When this data is requested again
the cache can use the copy in its local memory versus accessing the drive again. As most memory is almost a million times
quicker to access than hard disks you can see the perform increase with a good cache, ns access instead of ms.
Hope this helps
-----Original Message-----
From: owner-cores@opencores.org [mailto:owner-cores@opencores.org]On Behalf Of Rocky
Sent: 13 November 2001 15:55
To: opencore
Subject: [oc] hello

hello everyone
i wander if you could tell me the difference between cache and buffer, or where i can find some material about it.
thanks a lot!