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[oc] Audio synthesis core

Hi OC People

Just started writing the multiplier for my audio
synthesis OC project. Basically, it's a sort of
wave-table like synthesiser, but with some advanced
filtering and modulation synthesis. I figure that
perhaps the general purpose MAC core might actually
form a building block for the audio synth. However, I
might discover that there are some mods to the MAC
core that make it functionally rather different,
therefore I am starting with a new multiplier. I am
thinking of incorporating the accumulator into the
multiplier structure somehow to reduce prop delays. Do
have a quite efficient structure worked out for a
4-bit version. That's obviously just a starting point!
Do people recommend that I start learning VHDL or
Verilog first? Have only really scratched the surface
with these tools. I know that someone mentioned the
DesignWare multiplier in the Synopsys tools, can
anyone comment on the suitability of that multiplier,
bearing in mind that I only need a fixed-point

I will draw up a high level functional block diagram.
I am toying with the idea at the moment of working out
a direct interface to the RISC cores in OC. That might
be a serial link to a serial I/O on the RISC core.
Failing that it can always be memory-mapped I/O. That
will allow driver coders to get access to the audio
that is produced by the synth core, and thus do
further useful things with it in software, but these
are issues in which people might want to be involved.
I will probably put most of the audio modulation in
the synth core itself, thereby allowing it to be very
largely stand-alone.

BTW, can anyone tell me how to get the audio synth
core listed on the projects page?


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