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Re: [oc] Reed-Solomon Core

Hi Mark Kinsley,
	i was looking for people to develop RS enc/dec core , if u r
interested we can start the work right away... my idea is to develop cores
which can used in modems adhering to intelsat standards and this core must
generic enough to use in Turbo Block Decoding. Do you feel confortable
with this ?

On Fri, 12 May 2000, Mark Kinsley wrote:

> Hi,
> I see that you're looking for an RS FEC core.  I found a nice utility that was 
> able to generate VHDL code for an enc/dec core on an academic web site.  I 
> don't have huge amounts of time available, but could investigate using code 
> from these as the basis for an Open Core FEC project.
> Please let me know if I can help, and if so please give me more info on the 
> intended application of the core.
> Regards,
> Mark Kinsley

K.G.Nanda Kumar
Research Engineer
71/1,millers road
Bangalore 560052