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Re: [oc] Ethernet Mac

Hi Mahmud,

I hope all interested developers will come together, shape the project and
starting working on it. If you need dedicated mailing list or something else
just send to me/administration/webmasters a note and we'll solve the

regards, Damjan

----- Original Message -----
From: Mahmud Galela <mgalela@vlsi.itb.ac.id>
To: Damjan Lampret <lampret@opencores.org>
Cc: <cores@opencores.org>
Sent: Thursday, March 30, 2000 5:04 AM
Subject: Re: [oc] Ethernet Mac

> Hello, my name is Mahmud Galela. I'm college student in Bandung Institute
> of Technology at the last year.
> We, me and my partner -- Novan Hartadi --, are trying to design Ethernet
> core which consists of MAC, Manchester Encoder/Decoder, ISA bus logic
> controller. We do this as our final project task.
> I have known for several times that opencores is waiting for someone to
> start the ethernet MAC development, and we'd like to participate. However
> we are lack of experience on this kind of job, so we do appreciate to
> everyone that can give us any suggestions about the project we do.
> best regards from Bandung, INDONESIA
> Mahmud
> -=-=-=-=-=-=--=-=-=-=-
> "The best among you is the one who contributes the most to others"
> On Wed, 29 Mar 2000, Damjan Lampret wrote:
> > Hi Jason,
> >
> > I was just waiting for someone to start Ethernet MAC development. It is
> > interesting and very useful core. There was some discussion about
> > mac core but nothing happened (you can browse cores mailing list on
> > When you'll need write access to opencores web site, dedicated mailing
> > etc, just let us know.
> >
> > regards, Damjan
> >
> > ----- Original Message -----
> > From: Jason Abele <jasonabele@yahoo.com>
> > To: <cores@opencores.org>
> > Sent: Wednesday, March 29, 2000 5:10 PM
> > Subject: [oc] Ethernet Mac
> >
> >
> > > After a few weeks of lurking about the list, I am curious if there is
> > > team organized to work on the Ethernet MAC yet.  If there is I would
> > > like to offer to assist.  I have some vhdl knowledge along with a
> > > background in software engineering.  If no one has started on this
> > > yet I would be willing to start/lead a team for the MAC core.  I am a
> > > member of a university research lab that does system on a chip and
> > > signal design.  We are very interested in the development of opencores
> > > and I will be badgering^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^Hpursuading some of the others
> > > to lend a hand where possible.
> > >
> > > As for tools, any suggestions/comments on the usefulness of Alliance,
> > > SAVANT, and FreeHDL, aside from the fact that none of them can
> > > synthesize to Xilinx bitstreams? (my computer setup does not include
> > > products anymore than absolutely necessary)
> > >
> > > Jason
> > >
> > >
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> >