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[oc] Would OR1K becomes next 8051 or 6502?

I have some more questions! Maybe we could discuss it!

1. To make OR1K more debuggable with software and hardware,
    I think gdb is also important!!

2. Since the ISA of OR1K is free, then maybe lots of companies would
   try to make a real chip if all software are available. Then
   32-bit real 8051-like chips are all over the world!!
  Is it good or bad? I think it's good!!! Then all embedded chips may
   be OR rather than ARM or MIPS. Then maybe one day ARM or MIPS
   will perhaps give up their ISA patents.

3. If I want to minimize area without a MMU, the memory configuration
    should be what? After all, MMU is big for embedded usage and
    Virtual address=physical address may be too simple.
   But I think it is still feasible!

4. OR16(16-bit) ISA could be made more stand-alone and
   we could make it embedded into OR1K with one OR16 decompressor
