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Re: [cdrom] Why OpenTech cdrom?

> 1. Why do you think it is a good idea to have
> collection of Open hw designs and tools on a cdrom?

It is hard to keep track of what is out there. For example, from your
table of contents I found out about the TraJa processor design and from
that the Parthenon design tools. But even when we do find these things
on the internet, it is really hard to decide if it is worth downloading
just to see what it is like. When browsing a CD-ROM testing all
packages isn't as costly.

> 2. Why did you orderd it ( educational purposes,
> commercial, learning......)

First of all, since I think it is a great idea I felt that ordering it
would encourage you to release it. There is the payment problem, but if
that is solved then the CD would help me with my commercial and
open designs.

> 3. Do you think this cdrom will make some improvements
> for openhw design trend?

Yes, sometimes a book or a web site or an anual conference is what it
takes to get a community moving forward. In the case of Open Hardware,
I am impressed by the number of people who are excited but have no
previous experience with hardware design. Most of them have spilled
over from the Open Source movement. So education should be a high
priority right now, and a CD-ROM with lots of tools and examples will
have a great impact.

-- Jecel