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Re: [bluetooth] clk implementation
Hi Puloma,
I guess you refer to the p. 77 of the BLuetooth Core spec. 1.1...
The clock to be used is the bitclock. I has the same rate than the
bitrate, that is to say 1 MHz in this case.
The way you can implement this clock is up to you and depends on your
design. If you use a oscillator which is a integer multiple of 1 MHz you
can simply divide it downto 1.
Or alternatively if you use PLLs into your core you can generate the
right clock directly.
Do not confuse the clock I'm talking about here with the Bluetooth clock.
Best regards,
Alban Villain
Inventel -
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I need some help in implementing the clock and thus implementing the
whitening block.I am coding in verilog.I don't understand how the
is to be implemented.
Help in this regard is greatly appreciated.
Puloma Mukherjee
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