Announcing the release of RIPEM version 1.2. RIPEM 1.2 contains extensive modifications by Jeff Thompson of RSA Data Security to provide a measure of true Internet PEM interoperability, and to implement a "direct-trust" model for public keys. This new certificate-based trust model is more secure than RIPEM 1.1's but less hierarchical than Internet PEM's. RIPEM 1.2 can read all RIPEM 1.1-formatted messages, and can also read genuine MIC-ONLY and MIC-CLEAR Internet PEM messages. RIPEM 1.2 cannot read or produce encrypted Internet PEM messages. RIPEM 1.2's outputed messages can be read by RIPEM 1.1. Before using RIPEM 1.2 to produce messages, you must first generate a "self-signed" certificate. This is done automatically during key generation. For current RIPEM users, you can create a self-signed certificate by simply invoking RIPEM in change-password mode: ripem -c -S output-private-key-file -P output-public-key-file The old field of Originator-Name is only supported for backward compatibility. RIPEM 1.2 really uses the self-signed cert in the Originator-Certificate field. When you receive a message from a sender for the first time, RIPEM will tell you that you don't have a validated certificate for the sender and will display the sender's self-signed certificate digest. You can call the sender and verify that it's correct. Then, you receive the message in -v validation mode which will create and store a certificate from you to the sender. From now on, RIPEM uses it. When you encrypt a message, the message includes something like Recipient-Name: Recipient-Key-Asymmetric: MFkwCgYEVQgBAQICAgUDSwAwSAJBFc8Mu+7j0iRqZ7eY39hyLUVSKPIRB+oVaGOJ 9ttcJrBDPaucqCcp50leLhh48n9eUbvkQW9L7Yu8RiaLjeaNlU0CAwEAAQ== Key-Info: RSA, Ep8yateOeP3bCBZzh4JYs9ZhlsZJ9B1WSM64nFnV2Y5gCExnKwIT/lhZssZTN0as V/i1ysZIp5QUPsRz/mlF0Ck= Recipient-Name is only included for backwards compatibility. RIPEM 1.2 really uses Recipient-Key-Asymmetric, which is the DER encoding of my public key. When jefft sees this while receiving the message, he knows the associated Key-Info is for him. Using the public key is nice because you don't have to know what your correspondant's issuer and serial number are. It supports this direct trust model nicely. RIPEM 1.2 uses a home directory which currently holds two files: privkey and pubkeys. privkey is the same as the old RIPEM -s private key file. The pubkeys file holds the user's self-signed certificate and the direct-trust certificates they make for other users: User: UserDistinguishedName: CN =, OU = Persona Certificate, O = RSA Data Security, Inc., C = US CertificateInfo: MIIB0zCCAX0CEHvlDG8l4VHdqec4RvFBuGIwDQYJKoZIhvcNAQECBQAwbzELMAkG A1UEBhMCVVMxIDAeBgNVBAoTF1JTQSBEYXRhIFNlY3VyaXR5LCBJbmMuMRwwGgYD VQQLExNQZXJzb25hIENlcnRpZmljYXRlMSAwHgYDVQQDFBdqZWZmdEBjaGlyYWxp dHkucnNhLmNvbTAeFw05MzExMzAxOTE1NTFaFw05NTExMzAxOTE1NTFaMG8xCzAJ BgNVBAYTAlVTMSAwHgYDVQQKExdSU0EgRGF0YSBTZWN1cml0eSwgSW5jLjEcMBoG A1UECxMTUGVyc29uYSBDZXJ0aWZpY2F0ZTEgMB4GA1UEAxQXamVmZnRAY2hpcmFs aXR5LnJzYS5jb20wWDAKBgRVCAEBAgIB/gNKADBHAkAtAto1Bdion6FnjY2qkliO 7n6RxmL68IJ8r5XMMPX5IERpo4pSEiE/Fbrw2jVlFUTbdQ36Y65tezhS1E4oNsUX AgMBAAEwDQYJKoZIhvcNAQECBQADQQAK/hg100zdjSCapJusmVSzwDaj6YKAa0p3 GJBYYMMIMZbGlE2gx1bnMiI+twftqA2nRj7v7zlaWv3WiP+pihyx Notice that there is no public key by itself, since it is now validated inside the certificate. For RIPEM 1.2, a user's distinguished name is formed with the old RIPEM username as the common name in a Persona distinguished name. Important: During ripem -e -m encrypted -u username, RIPEM looks up the recipient's certificate by scanning pubkeys for a "User:" field as specified by -u and uses the first one it finds. It is possible that there are multiple users with the same common name, so RIPEM always displays the full distinguished names of the recipients it finds when encrypting. If one of these is the wrong DN, the user can abort sending the message. Notice that the Originator-Certificate field is a self-signed cert, a RIPEM signed message conforms closely to RFC 1424. In fact, since the names are already Persona names, you can send it to and it will return a real Persona certificate. (The RIPEM 1.2 documentation doesn't mention this because there's really nothing a 1.2 user can do with a hierarchical cert right now, but you can see what the future plans are.) Lastly, RIPEM 1.2 doesn't make use of key servers except for backwards compatibility. Quoting from the user manual: Note: RIPEM 1.2 does not use key servers or finger to manage certificates. RIPEM 1.2 only transmits a self-signed certificate, and the only other certificates that are made are direct peer-to-peer. As a RIPEM 1.2 user, you make a certificate from yourself to, say, No one other than you and fred would be interested in this certificate. Hence, RIPEM 1.2 makes no provision for these certificates to be on key servers. A future version of RIPEM is planned which will allow certificate chaining. This will allow you to indirectly trust users directly certified by users of your choice. You will be able to say "I trust all users certified by fred". When this future version of RIPEM is available, it will become meaningful to place certificates on key servers. RIPEM 2.0, with certificate chaining ("web-of-trust") and full Internet PEM interoperability, is expected to be available within a few months. As usual, this distribution can be found on Only US and Canadian citizens/permanent residents are allowed access; see