built an RPM of unzip-5.12 with decryption support. No zip RPM, I just needed unzip and was in a bit of a hurry. At any rate, the RPM is now available on ftp.linpro.no in directory /redhat/unzip. $ md5sum * 67112c4af182c4102867e65cb72a5cad unzip-5.12-4i.i386.rpm eaf05d889a3b1cb021f1faf4168e4934 unzip-5.12-4i.src.rpm $ ls -Ss total 633 536 unzip-5.12-4i.src.rpm 97 unzip-5.12-4i.i386.rpm It was built using libc 5.2.18 and rpm 2.0.3, so it should be usable on almost any redhat box. --Arnt -- [also uploaded to ftp.hacktic.nl:/pub/replay/pub/incoming by James Youngman, <JYoungman@vggas.com]