CVE-2013-6406, security advisory, suse linux, suse, security, cve


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CVE-2013-6406 at MITRE


** REJECT ** DO NOT USE THIS CANDIDATE NUMBER. ConsultIDs: CVE-2013-6858. Reason: This candidate is a reservation duplicate of CVE-2013-6858. Notes: All CVE users should reference CVE-2013-6858 instead of this candidate. All references and descriptions in this candidate have been removed to prevent accidental usage.

SUSE information

Overall state of this security issue: Resolved

This issue is currently rated as having moderate severity.

SUSE Bugzilla entry: 853043 [RESOLVED / DUPLICATE]

No SUSE Security Announcements cross referenced.

SUSE Timeline for this CVE

CVE page created: Thu Nov 28 22:15:49 2013
CVE page last modified: Sun Feb 12 11:28:56 2023